• Hallo Gast, wir suchen den Renner der Woche 🚴 - vielleicht hast du ein passendes Rennrad in deiner Garage? Alle Infos


März 13
Schwinn, Ridley, Ridley, Giant, Kinesis, Planet X - and a Planet X in the making
Über Dich
"Wer nicht an seine Grenzen geht kann nicht ermessen, was zu leisten er im Stande ist."


In England they ask: “Is it for charity?”
In France, Spain, Italy or Flanders they murmur: “What beautiful madness.”

“On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.”

The person from the North isn't someone who feels the cold but is someone who knows how to dress for the cold.
Crunching the Kilometers im WP Team YMCA - You Must Cycle Anyway - Fit for Yorkshire and Beyond

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