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Berlin Rennrad fahren - Englisch bitte

[email protected]

Neuer Benutzer
1 Mai 2007

My name is Filip, from Sweden, I'm spending weekends in Berlin. I bought a bike (Lemond Chamberry) a couple of weeks ago and have been riding 400 km so far. I usually go for 60-80 km one or two times during weekends, but I am a beginner, so I would really like to go with someone that can help me develop. Unfortunately I do not speak German, so I need someone that will talk English. I live in Mitte, by the Friedrichstrasse banhof.

Get back to me if you are interested.




Re: Berlin Rennrad fahren - Englisch bitte
AW: Berlin Rennrad fahren - Englisch bitte

Hi Filip,

if you could read German, you'd notice that this board is a bit unorganized. There are a couple of threads you need to read to filter out all the planned tours. However, most of the tours on this board are probably longer and/or faster than you want to ride.

But there is hope! Check out this thread on another board. Tours are generally shorter (although they can exceed 100km as well) and the speed is more likely in your area. Plus the people are very nice!

If something comes up in one of the other threads on this board, I'll let you know.
AW: Berlin Rennrad fahren - Englisch bitte


thank you for your mail!

I do not read German very well, but I have a girlfriend that can translate.

I have visited ADFCs website and found some interesting tours. How do I know what speed the tours are? When I have cycled for myself, I have been riding for 60 km or so and 25 km/h in avarage, but I guess there is a difference riding with others.

It would probably be best to go with a group for some 50-80 km to start with and a speed of 24-28 km or so. I found this "Naturwunder am Feldberger Luzin" on the site, but as I said, don't know much about it. Do you now if I need to register or is it just to show up?


AW: Berlin Rennrad fahren - Englisch bitte

He ya Filip,

this Luzin-tour reads quite interesting, but i think it is going to be more likely a kind of touristic tour for trekking bikes and picnic baskets.

From that ADFC-sheet You really want to join the Tour with Gregor the same day. ("Rennradtour nach Dobbrikow")

You just have to show up and pay 6€ (non members fee) (kind of silly to pay for riding Brandenburgs roads :rolleyes: ).

But You will ask him or Kevin (the english speaking guy with a Merida-bike) about rennradgruppe.de and
You will soon find yourself with a lot of nice people riding at reasonable speed. (as You won't be able to find here, of course :D)

stay tuned
AW: Berlin Rennrad fahren - Englisch bitte

Hi you all,

thank you so much for all your answers, great!

I have plans for Sunday with my girlfriend, so I'll go with this group on Saturday instead:

Tourenleiter: Klaus-Peter Müller-Fiedler (90 km, )

Treffpunkt: 09.55 Uhr Bhf. Berlin Spandau, Ausgang Spandau Arcaden

Auf guten Wegen aus der Stadt, durch das Havelländische Luch, vorbei am Großtrappenschutzgebiet und in den Naturpark Westhavelland. Ende in Rathenow.

Samstag, 05. Mai 2007

I'll go with you guys next time, hope I'll get invited again.

Have a nice weekend!
