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I am amazed by the skills of some people here


Neuer Benutzer
24 November 2006
Hi, Guys...!!!

I am new on your site and I am amazed by the skills of some people here...
not too sure if this is the right place to be posting this msg

Let me introduce myself first :

I am Yann, a webmaster and dive instructor, 27 years old.

i have many questions about music, web , PC and education...

Where i can post my messages...

So, thanks a lot!
AW: I am amazed by the skills of some people here

Hello yannbarvss,

this forum is the discussion platform for those who care about riding race bikes and having fun of changing opinions, ideas and tips around this beautiful hobby.
There are some discussion areas open also for threads lying a bit “off the track”. There you’ll find some talks about music or PC or whatever. But in the end it’s racebiking what unites the people here and what most of them are crazy about. So it might be the case that you’ll find better places for your topics in the net.
Have fun and all the best,