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Discovery Channel Team arbeitet zusammen mit Marco Polo Cycling Team


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13 März 2006
Das Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass es eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem in China registrierten Marco Polo Cycling Team startet.
Mehr Informationen in English in der Pressenachricht oder auf der www.marcopolocycling.com Webseite.

Team looks to Asia to develop future cyclists

(Austin, USA) – The Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team (DSCPCT) announced today a partnership with the China-based Marco Polo Cycling Team (MPCT). The partnership between the two teams is part of an ongoing recruitment and development initiative to seek new talent that will provide Team Discovery with reach beyond their traditional borders of the U.S. and Europe. Discovery’s newly signed Chinese rider, Fuyu Li, comes to the Discovery squad from the Marco Polo Cycling Team.

The relationship between the MPCT and DSCPCT was designed and developed to accomplish three goals:
1. Enhance rider development and recruiting
2. Re-invest in the sport of cycling
3. Provide sponsors for both DSCPCT and MPCT with reach and exposure beyond current borders

The partnership with the Discovery Channel Team will provide the Chinese Continental squad with financial support and a much sought after affiliation with a Pro Tour team. In 2007, the MPCT team will race under the name, the Discovery Channel Marco Polo Team.

In the Discovery Channel Marco Polo Team, Asian riders will be mixed with more experienced western riders, to give them the experience of living and racing in a professionally structured team. The program includes most of the UCI Asia Tour calendar and an intensive 3 months program in North Western Europe, from the team base in The Netherlands.
The MPCT is very grateful to have nearly all of their 2006 sponsors continue to support the MPCT in 2007. One sponsor in particular, Wieler Magazine, a new Dutch Cycling magazine published by JP-Tamminga (the Team's title sponsor for many years) will work closely with the MPCT to ensure increased publicity. The Wieler Magazine logo will be prominently displayed on the Team. Additionally, Trek will be sponsor the Team and providing the riders with Madone brand bikes.

Sports Director Johan Bruyneel is pleased to have the MPCT racing under the Discovery Channel name. “This relationship is very exciting and will provide our Team with new opportunities to recruit riders that I think will be successful in the future,” stated Bruyneel.

Gudo Kramer, Sports Director and manager of the MPCT was thrilled to have Discovery Channel partner with his squad. The relationship between the two organizations resulted from negotiations with Discovery’s management team during the signing of Fuyu Li.

Kramer commented, “Our partnership with the Discovery Channel Team is very important for the sport of cycling and cycling throughout China. Our Marco Polo Cycling riders and all Asian cyclists will now see that there is an opportunity to make it to the top level of the sport and this partnership provides a clear direction. We are grateful to Discovery Channel and other Team sponsors AMD and Trek for seeing the value in our program.”

Tailwind Sports owns and operates the Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team. Founded in 1989, the team has established itself as one of the best in the world and is the only American team to have won each of the sports’ premier events: the Tour de France, Tour of Spain and Tour of Italy, including Lance Armstrong’s historic seven consecutive victories at the Tour de France.

Tailwind has partnered with Capital Sports & Entertainment (CSE), an experiential event and sports marketing firm based in Austin, Texas to manage the sponsorship and operations of the team. Tailwind supports both USA Cycling and the USA Cycling Development Foundation to help identify and develop future American cyclists. Find out more about the Team and CSE at: www.thepaceline.com http://www.thepaceline.com and www.planetcse.com http://www.planetcse.com

Discovery Communications, Inc. is the leading global real-world media company with operations in 170 countries and territories reaching 1.4 billion cumulative subscribers. DCI’s over 100 networks of distinctive programming represent 29 trusted brands including Discovery Channel, TLC and Animal Planet. DCI’s other properties consist of Discovery Education and COSMEO, a revolutionary online homework help service, as well as Discovery Commerce, which operates more than 100 Discovery Channel Stores in the U.S. Discovery brings the real world to the whole world through its global multiplatform initiatives including Discovery Travel Media, Discovery Mobile and multiple broadband services. DCI’s ownership consists of four shareholders: Discovery Holding Company (NASDAQ: DISCA, DISCB), Cox Communications, Inc., Advance/Newhouse Communications and John S. Hendricks, the Company’s Founder and Chairman. More information about Discovery and its businesses can be found at www.discovery.com.

Under the umbrella of Marco Polo Cycling, various projects have been organised, starting in 2000, when founders Nathan Dahlberg, Anno Pedersen, Remko and Gudo Kramer, formulated the mission of the newly started Marco Polo Cycling Club:
Supporting talented cyclists from non-traditional cycling countries.

In following years, three tools were created to support this mission:
1. Marco Polo Cycling Club
An internet-based, international cycling club, that permits it's members to contact eachother. The club currently has close to 1900 members.
2. Marco Polo Cycling Foundation
Provides support for passionate cyclists and cycling organisations in the poorest countries on earth. Projects in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Mongolia and Sri Lanka were organised.
3. Marco Polo Cycling Team. A China registered continental team, that provides talented riders with a link towards the western (professional) cycling scene. Cyclists learn how to behave in a professionally structure environment and get racing experience in professional and amateur level races. The team has been very successful so far with numerous wins in national tours. It is in it's second year of registration in China (after two years Hong Kong), based on a four year agreement with the China Cycling Association, to prepare the best Chinese riders for the Beijing Olympics.
The team has a management of three: Rob Conijn, Remko and Gudo Kramer, several sports directors and other staff.

The three Marco Polo Cycling branches work independently, but share the same mission and vision.
More information: www.marcopolocycling.com


Re: Discovery Channel Team arbeitet zusammen mit Marco Polo Cycling Team
Hier noch eine passendes Foto vom letzten Jahr:

Das Marco Polo Cycling Team zusammen mit dem Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team in der Tour of Qatar 2005. (Foto: Francis Cerny)
race-jo schrieb:
muss der vorne rechts schei$$en?
Nö, aber wahrscheinlich ist er zu groß, sodaß die hinteren verdeckt würden.
Gratulation an Nathan Dahlberg von dieser Stelle. Der alte Kiwi hat sich durchgebissen.
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