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Scatola movimento centrale d'artigano | Tretlagergehaeuse - Rahmenbau-Liebe Im Detail (Handwerkskunst) | elaborate bottom bracket shells

scusi, dein ehemaliges sollte definitiv aus der Produktion Vetta s sein @Andreas P. , siehe ersten zitierten Beitrag von @FM1234 , das Berma Rennvelo welches @-LUPO- zeigte, weiß ich nicht, es hat Parallelen zu dem Beitrag #1939 ein Cicli Rampon aus Schio, Veneto, ebenso aus Veneto sind ja Berma und Vetta und zu guter Letzt auch Grandis, besagtes Rampon Velo aus Beitrag #1939 erinnert auch durchaus an einige Grandis.. das Rampon aus Beitrag #355 sieht wieder wie deine ehemalige Berma aus oder die Brema von @FM1234
✌🏾🙏🏾 , Produktion Vetta s.
Zum Vergleich mal mein berma aus 78. Das wurde mir von Taverna vor gut zwei Jahren als ein Rad aus der Vetta Werkstatt bestätigt.

Beim Stichwort "Berma" fühle ich mich genötigt, die Fotos meines ehemaligen roten Rahmens aus derselben Produktion hervor zu kramen. ;)

Wenn der Chrom der Gabel nicht in so üblem Zustand gewesen wäre, hätte ich den Rahmen wohl behalten. :rolleyes:

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Zwar einer Marke aber nur bedingt aus einer Produktion, nur wenige der groeßeren Fachgeschaefte/Marken verlagerten alle ihre Rahmenbauauftraege an einen einzelnen terzista /Subunternehmer/Rahmenbauer/Drittanbieter 😂 / Zulieferer / Auftragsloeter, in einer jeweiligen Zeitperiode obendrein.
Selbst beispielsweise ein doch kleinerer bis mittelgroßer Betrieb wie freschi s, hatte gleich zwei externe Auftragsloeter und zwar Renato Negri und Antonio Mondonico, neben dem im Haus, hauseigenen 🙈 🤣 Rahmenbauer/Loeter Aldo Invernizzi.

Da ja Berma aus Padova stammt wie Vetta, und dieser zu Hochzeiten 15 Mitarbeiter hatte, und Vetta meist Fremarbeiten verrichtete ist da wohl ein Match, ob dies noch auf beide Rahmen zutrifft, oder auf welchen...
Ob Tecnokrat oder doch eher mit Orazio Grenzi (Virginia) verbandelte 2tecnotelai bologna :D , gibt es definitiv auch.

Punkt Stopp! :bier:

Gibt ja noch diese (fuer mich leicht) obskureren MG Meneghello & Billato 🙈, Fiorelli, MaZa, Tecnotrat, F.lli Ravazzolo? Natale Milani aus Milano, soll 1977 fuer Meckx im Team Fiat, 🤷‍♂️ oder Losa und Pelà :D 😂 .
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Re: Scatola movimento centrale d'artigano | Tretlagergehaeuse - Rahmenbau-Liebe Im Detail (Handwerkskunst) | elaborate bottom bracket shells
Guarini hatten Rahmen von Losa und Billato (MB Meneghello Billato) beispielsweise, recht zeitnah meine ich, oder auch 2tecnotelai bologna, letztere aber ohne Rahmenpantografien.... nur Uffkleber.
GiuPek Giuseppe Pecchenini (aus der Gemeinde Parabiago, Mailands, Lombardai) hatte Rahmen von Vetta und Losa, ist auch ein aelteres Masi mit GiuPek decals im "thread" tuellich.

🍌 🍍 🧠 👈 ☝️

:bier: or 🥂


PS: den Rahmenbauer Mazzotti aus Alfonsine, Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna gab es jedenfalls

Mazzotti baute fuer Borg a, Borgognoni Antonio

es ist nicht auszuschließen, dass es auch Rahmen von Billato fuer Mazzotti geben mag..... 🤷‍♂️


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on facebook listed for a bargainm whoopping 50 Euro bucks 🐰 🥕 👯‍♀️ :D

bottom bracket shell cut-out found on plenty of high craftsmanship frames of different brands, like Morini,
Zapier, or Ballini (otherwise probably brazed by Irio Tommasini with🫘 quattro fagioli bb shell cut-out Pelàs, there exists also such Suzzi frames)

more recently read on bdc-forum.it as https://it.sport.ciclismo.narkive.com/tr0L51qM/c-era-una-volta-gs-ferretti#post13, stated that the early Zapier are from Montopoli Vardano, by Luigi Daccordi.
Sergio from Pisa.

somehow I have/must to think 😂 :D (very bad english) of the very light Del Serra frames too!!!! 🤷🏾‍♂️

Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 20-52-06 Prof. Acciaio.png
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Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 20-47-59 Visita ad Alberto Masi.png
Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 20-58-54 C'era una volta GS Ferretti.png
Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 20-59-08 C'era una volta GS Ferretti.png

Zwischen Graziano Bartoli, Vater von Michele Bartoli, sein Spitzname Guerriero ({der} Krieger)

On my way back to Pisa I first thought of passing through Pontedera to ask
Mauro Busdraghi. Then, however, I decided to cut through Fornacette.
After crossing the Arno I had the inspiration to go and bust my balls with Bartoli.
Bartoli, the father of the great warrior.

'Hi Graziano, how's it going?'
'Oh, what are you doing here? Did you go to the Serra?'
No, I had to go to Ponsacco and I was passing through here on my way back.
on the way back. I have two questions to ask you. One about carpentry and one about cycling. How do you make a formica-covered platform with the
round corners, also moulded on the round?'
... ...
'Let's try the other question. Who made bicycles for
FERRETTI in the days of Gosta Pettersen? The one who won the Giro.'

The bikes had FERRETTI lettering on them.'

But they weren't made by FERRETTI KITCHENS!

They were made in Pontedera, by Zapier.

'Ah, Piero Zaccagnini. Back then, Luigi Daccoirdi made the frames. It was
It was him who made them for Piero.'

'Don't tell me! You met Piero?'

'Of course. He made my first bicycle in 1972. It was Daccordi, then
in Capanne di Montopoli, who made them. Columbus tubes, Campagnolo
Nuovo Record (or Universal brakes to save 20,000lires, if one was
one was in the barrel). '

Moreno, if you want to know more, phone Mauro Busdraghi, Cicli Zapier, Via Roma, Pontedera. At that time he was a shop assistant;
then from Piero he took over his daughter and the shop. I forgot: he also
also learnt the trade from him.
From such a master: good, proud, salacious and unequalled in terms of a true Tuscan.
Cicli Villa
since 1928 - 80s
Bologna, Emilia-Romagna
Amleto Villa

Palmares: Marco Cimatti victorious at the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, on a villa, team pursuit discipline (track, 4000m, four-man team)

Palmares: Marco Cimatti siegreich bei den Olympischen Spielen Anno 1932 in Los Angeles, auf einer Villa, Diszplin Mannschaftsverfolgung (Bahn, 4000m, Vierer Team)

by Uberto Chiesa ⛪ from Bologna 🍝 (actually ragù), at least the frame, fork probably not original

77$ on facebook, location Bologna

🇨🇭 swiss sand cast bottom brackt shell Gerorg Fischer


TschhÖÖÖ mit Ö, die Haltung der Figur uffem decal, ick werd nimmer 😍 🥳 :D

Zapier um 1972 sollen unbedingt aus Montopoli Vardano stammen aus Haenden Daccordi s :)


on facebook listed for a bargain whooping 50 Euro bucks 🐰 🥕 👯‍♀️ :D

bottom bracket shell cut-out found on plenty of high craftsmanship frames of different brands, like Morini,
Zapier, or Ballini (otherwise probably brazed by Irio Tommasini with🫘 quattro fagioli bb shell cut-out Pelàs, there exists also such Suzzi frames)

more recently read on bdc-forum.it as https://it.sport.ciclismo.narkive.com/tr0L51qM/c-era-una-volta-gs-ferretti#post13, stated that the early Zapier are from Montopoli Vardano, by Luigi Daccordi.
Sergio from Pisa.

somehow I have/must to think 😂 :D (very bad english) of the very light Del Serra frames too!!!! 🤷🏾‍♂️

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Zwischen Graziano Bartoli, Vater von Michele Bartoli, sein Spitzname Guerriero ({der} Krieger)

On my way back to Pisa I first thought of passing through Pontedera to ask
Mauro Busdraghi. Then, however, I decided to cut through Fornacette.
After crossing the Arno I had the inspiration to go and bust my balls with Bartoli.
Bartoli, the father of the great warrior.

'Hi Graziano, how's it going?'
'Oh, what are you doing here? Did you go to the Serra?'
No, I had to go to Ponsacco and I was passing through here on my way back.
on the way back. I have two questions to ask you. One about carpentry and one about cycling. How do you make a formica-covered platform with the
round corners, also moulded on the round?'
... ...
'Let's try the other question. Who made bicycles for
FERRETTI in the days of Gosta Pettersen? The one who won the Giro.'

The bikes had FERRETTI lettering on them.'

But they weren't made by FERRETTI KITCHENS!

They were made in Pontedera, by Zapier.

'Ah, Piero Zaccagnini. Back then, Luigi Daccoirdi made the frames. It was
It was him who made them for Piero.'

'Don't tell me! You met Piero?'

'Of course. He made my first bicycle in 1972. It was Daccordi, then
in Capanne di Montopoli, who made them. Columbus tubes, Campagnolo
Nuovo Record (or Universal brakes to save 20,000lires, if one was
one was in the barrel). '

Moreno, if you want to know more, phone Mauro Busdraghi, Cicli Zapier, Via Roma, Pontedera. At that time he was a shop assistant;
then from Piero he took over his daughter and the shop. I forgot: he also
also learnt the trade from him.
From such a master: good, proud, salacious and unequalled in terms of a true Tuscan.
Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 00-30-40 Daccordi history.png
no Campag #626/b front derailleur cable guiding braze-on - introduced 1969
forged vertical dropouts - no campagnolo 1060 corsa forcellini posteriori / dropouts
beautiful never seen alike seatstay caps 😍 ♥️
Nervex Pro lugs and fork crown... (or Elka fork crown...)
frame integrated pump pegs (two, on the top and the bottom)
beautiful worked fork crown - extended bottom bracket shell tips towards the chainstays

owner still does not know the thread standard of the bottom brackt shell
Brooklyn Gios 1974
for Arturo Pecchielan
by the framebuilder artigiano maestro Luigi Gilardi, under Bianchi for 🏆 campionissimo Coppi;
and for the Dreher team as Brooklyn Gios team too, or for the milanese brand Lupo, Umberto Mascheroni.
@ marktplaats.nl

Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 15-09-24 ≥ Gios Torino 1974 van oud prof renner Arturo Pecchielan — F...png
Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 15-08-08 ≥ Gios Torino 1974 van oud prof renner Arturo Pecchielan — F...png
Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 15-09-16 ≥ Gios Torino 1974 van oud prof renner Arturo Pecchielan — F...png
Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 15-09-59 ≥ Gios Torino 1974 van oud prof renner Arturo Pecchielan — F...png
Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 15-09-50 ≥ Gios Torino 1974 van oud prof renner Arturo Pecchielan — F...png
Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 15-10-10 ≥ Gios Torino 1974 van oud prof renner Arturo Pecchielan — F...png
Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 15-08-18 ≥ Gios Torino 1974 van oud prof renner Arturo Pecchielan — F...png
Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 15-08-39 ≥ Gios Torino 1974 van oud prof renner Arturo Pecchielan — F...png
Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 15-08-50 ≥ Gios Torino 1974 van oud prof renner Arturo Pecchielan — F...png
Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 15-08-28 ≥ Gios Torino 1974 van oud prof renner Arturo Pecchielan — F...png

Cicli Damiani 🤷🏾
Ghedi, provincià di Brescia, Lombardia

right dropout i0t bend 😑

Fork crown panto like the vianelli, from Brescia too...

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by Chiesa
roto fork crown & bottom bracket shell (introduced end of 1973 at the milan bicycle show)

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