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Aktuelles Kartenmaterial für Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT, ROAM, ELEMNT selbst generieren

I would really like to have certain POIs showing on higher zoom levels (fuel stations, bakeries should show starting at ~2km). Reading this:

Tells me that tag-wahoo.xml needs to be adapted, which seems to be included inside the map files.

How would I approach this, do I need to re-create the maps myself with wahooMapsCreator? Is there an easy way to create the same maps as I can find in the HiDrive, with the latest updates on elevation contours etc.?
It is a little more complicated than posted by @Endurocker i think so I write a solution in bullet points.
This is not done by me so please try yourself and look a little right and left. Please give feedback if it eighter worked or not.
To test if the first steps are needed you can also start with the theme (5.) and check if that is enough to get POIs displayed in higher zoom levels.

As I don't know which settings were used to create the HiDrive maps here the solution to do it yourself:
1. install wahooMapsCreator as described in the repo
2. init the to-be-changed files with python -m wahoomc.init
3. Adjust tag-wahoo-poi.xml in your user directory
3.1 for your usecase, zoom-appear="14" is not enough. The table might not be 100% correct but you have to set an other zoom-appear to have POIs included in higher zoom levels. Maybe 10 or 11
3.2 Set zoom-appear to a value that suits you
4. Create maps as normal, see USAGE.md. I would advice you to use xy-coordinates for your region first and test if everything works, then do it for all countries/ xy-coordinates you need
5. choose a theme that displays POIs
6. Adjust the theme
6.1 Check for zoom-min= of the POI you want to display and adjust is according to 3.2

With that beeing done you adjusted the config so that wahooMapsCreator includes the POIs in a higher zoom level (3.) and you adjusted the theme so that it displays these POIs also in the higher zoom levels.
Contour lines are not included here as this feature has not been released until now.
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Re: Aktuelles Kartenmaterial für Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT, ROAM, ELEMNT selbst generieren
Whu is absolutely right. You would need to generate new maps which works great with treee111 version. You can't overrule tag-wahoo.xml file settings with a theme, in the lower zoom direction at least. Bakeries are "hardcoded" as to speak in the xml file to zoom level 17 in my maps which is ~200m scale on my bolt 1.
I try to include sensible poi's at sensible levels for "the most of us". It will however never suit all of us. I have seen screenshots where hardly a road can be seen anymore because of all the pois on this 200m scale downtown in a city. Just image what it would be on a 2km scale. But if you are in the (very)great outdoors 2km might be fine for you. In my opinion 2km should be about zoom level 14 btw.
Just one thing to note though: Take a look at what kind of poi's you need/want. I include more pois than treee111's version. Nothing that you can't fix easily but it is something to be aware of.
For reference (I don't encourage anyone to use it) my version can be found here: https://github.com/Ebe66/Windows-Wahoo-Map-Creator-Osmosis
Look at the tag-wahoo.xml file and compare it with treee111's. You might even be able to use it with his map creator.
Erstmal ein riesen Dankeschön an @treee111 !
Super tool, meine ersten Karten werden gerade berechnet.

Kurzer Hinweis für Leute mit Apple Silicon CPU (M1, etc.): beim Erstellen des Anaconda-Environments musste ich die Python-Version anpassen, da 3.7 nicht verfügbar war. Mit 3.8 war die Installation problemlos möglich und auf den ersten Blick kommt es damit auch nicht zu Kompatibilitätsproblemen.

conda create -n gdal-user python=3.8 geojson=2.5 gdal=3.4 pip --channel conda-forge --override-channels
Erstmal ein riesen Dankeschön an @treee111 !
Super tool, meine ersten Karten werden gerade berechnet.

Kurzer Hinweis für Leute mit Apple Silicon CPU (M1, etc.): beim Erstellen des Anaconda-Environments musste ich die Python-Version anpassen, da 3.7 nicht verfügbar war. Mit 3.8 war die Installation problemlos möglich und auf den ersten Blick kommt es damit auch nicht zu Kompatibilitätsproblemen.
Sehr cool, gerne! Danke für's berichten
Dann passt es ja super, dass ich in der nächsten Version auf Python 3.10 aufsetze :)
Der gute Ebe66 hat uns einen Satz neue Karten und Routing Daten generiert.


Alle Karten enthalten Höhenlinien und somit sind die Karten teilweise deutlich größer geworden.

Vielen Dank Ebe66!
@Ebe66 : Absolutely great work.

Please take a look at the attached screen record. Question thereto: why some fuel stations are shown from zoom level 10km, others only from 100m? My zoomlevel editing in the tag-wahoo.xml & vtm-elemnt.xml has not shown any effect on this.


Honestly? Not a clue...
The only way to check for me is with Cruiser. When I go to the same location, on Cruiser, the fuel stations show up as expected, starting from zoom level 14.
That is using my map and my Bolt and Roam 2 theme.
If I zoom out on my own Bolt 1 and the map of the Netherlands no fuel stations are visible on that zoom level (and there are quite a few of them)
Is there any "coding" in the maps that affects my results? Or otherwise the POIs are only controlled by the XMLs?
To my knowledge (pretty sure), the maps are "dumb" and contain no code or anything like it.
All configuring should be done by the two xml files.
Having said that, fuel stations should only show up starting from zoom level 16 as dictated by my tag-wahoo.xml used when generating the maps. This works/is correct for fuel stations in my neighborhood. Nevertheless "your" fuel stations start turning up in Cruiser at zoom level 14 which should not be possible (because of the setting in my tag-wahoo file) but matches the settings in the theme file (which should not be able to overrule the tag-wahoo file).
My tag-wahoo file used when generating the maps has not changed since 26-2 so this difference in behavior is strange.
Is there someone else here who can pan/zoom to this location just north of Leipzig on his/her bolt/roam 2 and take a look if the same happens for you?
I checked the fuel stations a bit more closely. The ones are displayed "incorrectly" up to zoom level 10km always have several OSM tags extremely close to each other.

example from OSM:

Is there someone else here who can pan/zoom to this location just north of Leipzig on his/her bolt/roam 2 and take a look if the same happens for you?
I checked the behavior @*cl* described. I also have the issue with the several OSM Tags, but not the Zoom-Level issue. At my ROAM2 the fuel stations appear at 200m and below and disappear above. This is my desired behavior. I played a bit with the .xml files but have no idea how to disable the lot of OSM-Tags. For me it only was possible to turn on or off all of them.

@*cl* : What maps do you use ? Your own or the maps from @Ebe66. If you use your own, would it be possible to provide your Tag-Wahoo.xml. Please provide your vtm-elemnt.xml, too. Thanks.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thanks for trying @Tommy75 !
If with the "lot of OSM-Tags" you mean the multiple fuel icons being shown, than you can't. Normally fuel stations are tagged as a node (point) with amenity=fuel or as a way (mostly the outline of the structure) with amenity=fuel
In this case it seems that all pumps have this key and tag and on top of that the structure is divided in multiple ways/relations which are also tagged as amenity=fuel. So yes, you get a lot of them on the screen ;-)
Again thanks for trying and indeed it would/should mean there is something wrong with cl's xml files or... cached files maybe...???
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I checked the behavior @*cl* described. I also have the issue with the several OSM Tags, but not the Zoom-Level issue. At my ROAM2 the fuel stations appear at 200m and below and disappear above. This is my desired behavior. I played a bit with the .xml files but have no idea how to disable the lot of OSM-Tags. For me it only was possible to turn on or off all of them.

@*cl* : What maps do you use ? Your own or the maps from @Ebe66. If you use your own, would it be possible to provide your Tag-Wahoo.xml. Please provide your vtm-elemnt.xml, too. Thanks.
I am using these brand new maps from @Ebe66:
The XMLs are attached below.


Again thanks for trying and indeed it would/should mean there is something wrong with cl's xml files or... cached files maybe...???
I always enter these commands in the terminal before using the maps with my XMLs (the ROAM1 is connected and authorized as device):

./adb shell am broadcast -a com.wahoofitness.bolt.service.BMapManager.PURGE
./adb shell am broadcast -a com.wahoofitness.bolt.service.BMapManager.RELOAD_MAP


Last for today:

Some zoomlevel editing in my last vtm-elemnt.xml (and no tag-wahoo.xml on the roam) suggests that mostly POIs (bakery, cafe, drinking water, and the "non-multiple fuel stations") do stop displaying at zoomlevel 100m, railway stations do stop at zoomlevel 500m, but for any reason the "multiple fuel stations" are more layoutable and accept zoomlevels above 100m (for eg. 500m or 10km). But why...?

I suspect the maps themselves do contain code for this.

Edit 1: railway stations do stop at zoomlevel 500m.
Edit 2: it strongly seems the vtm-elemnt.xml can override the tag-wahoo.xml
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@*cl*: What device do you use ? RoamV1 ?

<!-- region POIs -->

    <m k="amenity">
        <m v="fuel" zoom-appear="9">
            <symbol cat="roam" src="icons/fuel_8color.svg" select="first" symbol-percent="200"/>
        <m v="cafe" zoom-appear="9">
            <symbol cat="roam" src="icons/cafe_8color.svg" symbol-percent="200"/>
        <m v="drinking_water" zoom-appear="9">
            <symbol cat="roam" src="icons/drinking_water_8color.svg" symbol-percent="200"/>

    <m k="shop">
        <m v="bakery" zoom-appear="9">
            <symbol cat="roam" src="icons/bakery_8color.svg" symbol-percent="200"/>
        <m v="bicycle" zoom-appear="9">
            <symbol cat="roam" src="icons/shop_bicycle_8color.svg" symbol-percent="200"/>

    <m k="railway" v="station" zoom-appear="9">
        <symbol cat="roam" src="icons/train_station_8color.svg" select="first" symbol-percent="200"/>

    <!-- endregion POIs -->

This is code from the 1st vtm-elemnt.xml that you posted. For all POI's zoom-appear is set to 9. This means 10km and below. The prerequisite for this is, that all of them are set in tag-wahoo.xml to be shown at zoom-level 9 and below. I think this isn't.

<m zoom-min="14">
        <m k="amenity">
            <m v="cafe">
                <symbol src="icons/cafe_8color.svg" symbol-percent="150"/>
            <m v="drinking_water">
                <symbol src="icons/drinking_water_8color.svg" symbol-percent="150"/>
            <m v="fast_food">
                <symbol src="icons/bakery_8color.svg" symbol-percent="150"/>
            <m v="fuel">
                <symbol src="icons/fuel_8color.svg" symbol-percent="150"/>

        <m k="shop">
            <m v="bakery">
                <symbol src="icons/bakery_8color.svg" symbol-percent="150"/>
            <m v="bicycle">
                <symbol src="icons/shop_bicycle_8color.svg" symbol-percent="150"/>

    <m k="railway" v="station|halt|stop" zoom-min="13">
        <symbol src="icons/train_station_8color.svg" symbol-percent="130"/>

The code from the 2nd vtm-elemnt.xlm shows that the POIS's cafe,fuel,drinking water and fast food will appear at 14 which means 200m and below for Roam1 and Bolt1. Railways appear at 13 which means 500m and below. This should be also set in tag-wahoo.xlm.

As far as I know, for the map generation you need 2 files (tags-to-keep.json and tag-wahoo.xlm). Tags to keep specifies which POI's in general you would like to have in your maps. The tag-wahoo.xlm specifies at which zoom-level maps these POI's are included.

@Ebe66 only could tell us, which zoom-levels he has set in his tag-wahoo.xlm when generating the maps.

To display the POI's you only need the vtm-elemnt.xlm on your device. So, the vtm-elemnt.xlm cannot "override" the settings of the tag-wahoo.xlm. For example, if the tag-wahoo.xlm says that fuel-stations can appear at level 14 and your vtm-elemnt.xlm says they should appear at 14 or 15 they will do. But if your vtm-elemnt.xlm says they should be displayed at 13 this is not possible because they are not included in zoom-level 13 map. So, if you want them in 13 you have to edit your tag-wahoo.xlm and generate a new map with this tag-wahoo.xlm.

Please correct me, if I'm wrong.

I would recommend you to use original vtm-elemnt.xlm and maps both from @Ebe66 and check the behavior again.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
My tag-wahoo.xml that I use(d) to generate the maps can be found on my github page https://github.com/Ebe66/Windows-Wahoo-Map-Creator-Osmosis as I said before I do not encourage anybody to use my version of the map creator. As far as I am concerned @Tommy75 is right in everything he said. Tag-wahoo.xml on your device does (should do) absolutely nothing.
Sorry for me saying so but having a theme, trying to, show fuel stations at zoom level 9 makes emmm little sense? Unless you are in death valley and the next station is 200 miles away ;-) The fuel station used as an example is a tagging mess in my humble opinion (but I'm just a "learning on the job" hobbyist like most of as here are I take).
I'll try to look into it some more in the weekend but I think the only thing that would make some sort of sense is if an other object type like a way tagged as motorway (shown from zoom level 8 up) is in the relation(s) of the station as a whole and that because of that the amenity=fuel key/tag gets "promoted" to the same zoom level as the motorway. Which also does not really make sense but atm it's all I can come up with. To be continued :-)
Of course, fuel stations at zoom level 9 are not really the best thing to do. :D

But my reflections on the fuel station thing were:
You ride your bicycle
  • on a Sunday or
  • on a public holiday or
  • very early in the morning or
  • very late in the evening or
  • at night
and need something to eat / drink. Cafes will be closed, bakeries and supermarkets as well, but a lot of fuel stations have a small shop and will be open. That's why I think it would be useful to show them from an earlier zoom level than other POIs, so that they can be found on the map more easily to navigate to.