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Aktuelles Kartenmaterial für Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT, ROAM, ELEMNT selbst generieren

I think I misunderstood. I thought you meant the problem of "cluster" fuel stations showing up before zoom level 16 but you mean your wish to see fuel stations on a ~10km scale.
That would mean generating new maps, the ones I posted have the same poi levels as the others but no contour lines. I made those in the same run.
I'll try to make new maps for you in the next days.


Re: Aktuelles Kartenmaterial für Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT, ROAM, ELEMNT selbst generieren
Oh yes we misunderstood. sorry.

I can live with theese clusters. I mainly found them in big cities (Berlin, Potsdam and Dresden). Maybe I find another way therefore.

I think soft POI control via the vtm-elemnt.xml is more flexible than harder layouting via the tag-wahoo.xml.

Please don't hurry with new maps, only if you have time and leisure for it. Your maps nearly perform perfect at this point. 😎
tag-wahoo.xml takes care of including in which zoom levels certain OSM elements (in your case POIs) are generated into the maps.
vtm-elemnt.xml takes care of in which zoom levels certain OSM elemnts are rendered on the device. (if they exist in the maps in the wished zoom level)

@*cl* For trying out this kind of stuff it's far easier with the actual wahooMapsCreator to setup than in earlier days. I would motivate you to set everything up, you can tryout and verify your thoughts immediately :)
Oh I tried out some map creating in the early winter this year, but wasn‘t satisfied with my results. You are right: the time is up to try out again. Although I like @Ebe66 ‘s maps.
Am 2. Mai werden ja vermutlich neue Wahoo-Karten mit Höhendaten für das Freeride-Summit-Feature erscheinen, alle Custom-Maps müssen ja dann auch neu angepasst werden.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Am 2. Mai werden ja vermutlich neue Wahoo-Karten mit Höhendaten für das Freeride-Summit-Feature erscheinen, alle Custom-Maps müssen ja dann auch neu angepasst werden.

Maybe not, time will tell but elevation is (until now) in the routing tiles, not the map tiles.
Also there are no new map tiles yet on the wahoo server which I would expect to be already there in the background even if it is before the release date (rainmaker (cycling in the Netherlands!!) would have to download them too).
We will see ;-)
I've done some map creating work for my region tiles this evening, for now without tag-wahoo.xml & without tags-to-keep.json too. So far not bad, but:
If I want to change anything from this default work I have to create both tag-wahoo.xml & tags-to-keep.json and have to include everything I want to display? Am I right?
Uploading a test version of Germany for you right now in the folder "To test for Cl" ;-)
All(?) poi's are set to zoom-appear at level 10

Don't know what Treee111's version (or mine!) would generate without the xml files but I guess it would generate something with either everything in it at default settings or nothing.
But everything comes at a price... If it contains everything (or default) you will see it back in the generated file size, without the filtering maps are normally ehh biggg!!! And in certain area's will fail to generate no matter how much memory you throw at it.
But you are right, the xml files determine the end result. I'm reasonably sure the map writer has build in defaults, the ones on the github page. As for filtering, the more you leave out, the smaller the map files, the potentially faster on the device.
An example I use often is, wahoo maps contain all street names but they do nothing (as far as I know) with them. Street names displayed on the newer devices come from the routing tiles. So that is useless information just taking up space.
Now I am addicted to create lightweight maps that no longer include all dirt roads I don't need, for example.
Now I am addicted to create lightweight maps that no longer include all dirt roads I don't need, for example.
Very possible to do. I like them on the map like footpaths etc because it helps "locate" yourself on the map. (and tells you a bit where you can expect crossing "traffic")

Do you still need the other countries or are you going to try yourself?
Very possible to do. I like them on the map like footpaths etc because it helps "locate" yourself on the map. (and tells you a bit where you can expect crossing "traffic")

Do you still need the other countries or are you going to try yourself?
Let me try myself 😎

Maybe I need some time & have some questions…
The OSM tags drive me crazy: as soon as even one tag in the "tags-to-keep.json" for a certain path is matching, this path then is included in the map and has to be excluded afterwards by the "tag-wahoo.xml" and/or the "vtm-elemnt.xml". Oh dear. The only way I think to keep the maps lightweight is to keep the tags-to-keep.json even more lightweight. So I couldt reduce my home tile from 11.x MB to 7 MB.
But in result the map looks horrible with my vtm-elemnt.xml :crash::D
Schlanke Karten im Sinne von rein rennradtauglich (und dies incl. aller befestigten Rad-, Wald- und Wirtschaftswege) sind mit dem OSM-Kartenmaterial derzeit schwierig (bis nicht ?) umzusetzen. Das liegt zum Einen grundsätzlich an dem Umstand, dass der WahooMapsCreator ein Kartenelement sofort includiert, sobald in der "tags-to-keep.json" nur ein Argument für das Element erfüllt ist (so zumindenst meine Beobachtungen) und zum Anderen an zwei OSM-Tags, die man für rein rennradtauglich zwingend benutzen müsste:

"highway=path" wird im OSM-Kartenmaterial nicht nur gerne für asphaltierte Wege sondern auch für nicht befestigte Pfade benutzt. Sprich wenn man "highway=path" aus der "tags-to-keep.json" löscht und statt dessen über "surface=asphalt" (und die ganzen anderen tags für befestigte Oberflächen) versucht nur diejenigen Elemente im Kartenmaterial zu includieren die auch eine entsprechende Oberfläche für Rennrad besitzen, fallen alle Wege ("path") sofort raus, die im OSM-Kartenmaterial keine definierte Oberfläche enthalten. Also bspw. ein Stück Wirtschaftsweg. Davon gibt es in meiner Gegend, und sicher auch überall sonst, immer mal ein Stückchen Weg.

Bedeutet, man muss dann beide tags in der "tags-to-keep.json" haben, erhält dann aber Kartenmaterial, was kaum kleiner ist also eine Karte mit einer umfassenden "tags-to-keep.json". Bei mir bspw. werden für meine lokale tile aus 10.8 MB 10.2 MB. Lohnt sich also kaum.

Jetzt wäre es schön, wenn es eine "tags-to-remove.json" gäbe, wo man bspw. über den surface-tag alles excludieren könnte, was man nicht haben will. Wäre sowas denkbar? Müsste dann ja im WahooMapsCreator implementiert werden.

Mein letzendliches Ziel war es eigentlich, irgendwann mal nicht nur die normalen Karten sondern auch die Routingkarten so anzupassen, dass der Roam beim echten Navigieren zu einem Ziel nur noch über befestigte Straßen leitet, was derzeit trotz "Road"-Einstellung auf dem Roam eben leider noch nie funktioniert hat.
Klasse wäre es, wenn es beim Wahoo solche Profile standardmäßig zur Auswahl gäbe; Road, Offroad (Gravel, …) E-Bike,.. Zumal der RAM erweitert wurde.
It sounds so easy doesn't it @*cl* :)
Can you clarify a bit more on what you are trying to accomplish? For the most part I can follow you I think except what you mean here:
Jetzt wäre es schön, wenn es eine "tags-to-remove.json" gäbe, wo man bspw. über den surface-tag alles excludieren könnte, was man nicht haben will. Wäre sowas denkbar? Müsste dann ja im WahooMapsCreator implementiert werden.
Osmfilter can drop objects or tags too but not sure what you exactly want. A path is included when there is one matching tag. Sure that's what it does. Do I understand correctly if you would like to include all highway=path's and then remove them if the path does not have the surface=asphalt key/value for example?

Do you maybe have an example road? (and tile coordinates)
What are you doing with the other highway values?

It might be as simple as adding a drop filter (you can hardcode it in) of --drop="highway=path and surface!=asphalt" and OR in any other surface value's.
btw, I don't know what tags-to-keep filter you are using but if you are making maps for road/racebiking and want small maps you may not be all that interested in landuse keys (the green for forest and red for build up area's) and those take up a lot of room in the maps.
my intentions:
  • much "landuse" (solved)
  • only major POIs, but in many zoom levels (solved)
  • no stairs (solved)
  • all roads and paths usable for road bikes ( work in progress)
  • no unpaved roads and paths ( work in progress)
If "landuse" is memory-intensive, I have to respect it.

Osmfilter with "--drop" is a good suggestion, I'll give it a try.