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Der "Nimm Du es - ich kann/will/darf nicht..." Thread


Re: Der "Nimm Du es - ich kann/will/darf nicht..." Thread
hahahahaha, eher was für den Lacher thread

"yes the price on these is nuts, these arent your average qr's and Pino marched to his own drummer I dont care much if these sell & dont think they will at this price although there will probably be some drooling, theyre listed for fun and sharing some for the radness that lies behind glass most of the time , costs me 10 cents a month to show these in the store . But if your loaded and have been looking , please buy em . I'll be putting some more nos pino parts up soon."
Quelle: http://www.ebay.de/itm/281084395108?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

hmm, wenn sei meinen,...:D
Der Pino hat wirklich sensationelle Sachen gemacht, ein komplettes Rad wäre eine noch reizvollere Geldanlage.