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Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen


Neuer Benutzer
1 April 2009
Kann jemand helfen mir mit, was fuer ein Fahrrad dieses ist (die Colnago Aufkleber waren für eine Collegenthese auf Fahrradabziehbildtypographie)? Ich glaube, dass es ein deutscher Rahmen ist, zwischen 40' s und spätes 60's. Es hat keine Markierungen für Anhaltspunkte. Es tut mir leid; mein deutsches isn' t sehr gut.




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    frame, ugly carpet.jpg
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  • Fork.jpg
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  • lug1.JPG
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Re: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen



  • seat, tube.JPG
    seat, tube.JPG
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AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Edler Rahmen! Ist jede Aufmerksamkeit wert.

Ich wette, kommt bald einer unserer Spezialisten um die Ecke und sagt Dir, wasses ist! Bonanzär - wo steckst Du?!?
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Danke fuer Ihre Hilfe! Ich kann nicht finden jedermann, auf Englsich sprechend forums wer helfen koennte. (My German is pretty bad *apologies*!)
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Was simply trying to be respectful:D; didn't want to crash this forum with my anglophonic ways, despite being keenly aware of the fact that most Germans I've met have better English than their native-speaking rivals.

So here goes:

Any idea what kind of track frame this is? I've spent months looking at pictures of different dropouts, and I'm stumped!
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Wait until our specialist "Bonnazero" steps in the ring!
He is "Heavy on the wire"(Schwer auf Draht):D
He knows everything about "Old Frames"!

I call an "Roberts"(Chess Roberts- Framebuilder from London) my own and so I´m very proud about!
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen


Welcome to this community!

May I ask why you're in Germany? Are you british or American?

Nice bike though;)

I'm also sure that Bonanzero could help:P
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

May I try a Vermutung? I doubt that frame is German make! If any German framebuilder would be able to produce such a frame, we would be called Italians, not Germans. My 2 cent. So let's geduldig wait till Mr. Bonanzär geruht to honor us with his appearance on stage! After having finished his evening Havana presumably.
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

May I try a Vermutung? I doubt that frame is German make! If any German framebuilder would be able to produce such a frame, we would be called Italians, not Germans. My 2 cent. So let's geduldig wait till Mr. Bonanzär geruht to honor us with his appearance on stage! After having finished his evening Havana presumably.

Your Dinglish is very well;):D
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Bei Bonanzero diesmal Fehlanzeige, weil er u.a. kein Englisch kann.
Trotzdem (oder vielleicht gerade desswegen) will ich tml herzlich erstmal begrüßen im besten Forum der Welt.

Ansonsten ist bei Bahnrahmen sehr schwer eine bestimmte Herkunft zu erkennen, ich vermute sogar, dass solche Rahmen von spezialisierten Rahmenbauern (telaisti) für die Firmen mit den großen Namen gabaut wurden. Nicht jeder Hersteller hatte sein reparto corse, wo Spezialrahmen in kleinen Stückzahlen und in Handarbeit gefertigt wurden. Gerade bei diesem Rahmen ist eine Bestimmung sehr schwer, weil außer den hinteren Ausfallenden keine charakteristischen Merkmale zu sehen sind.
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Have you looked also at the bottom side of the bottom bracket? (The lowermost part of the bike)?

Is there any serial # or so?
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

may you show as the bottom-bracket from the lowerside?

Mist!! Seeker war schneller:eek:

mein lieber scholli-lowermost:p
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

I'm an American who lives in Ireland, can take a picture of the bb presently, but there is no serial number on it.

Bought the frame off a guy who purchased it in Germany, so was thinking that it might be a good place to start. Outside of the 'unique' drill outs on the dropouts, there are no discerning markings. The fork seems to be quite 30's or 40's, but the windowed lugs are *probably* much newer .
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Hab ja auch nicht die Richtigkeit des Wortes angezweifelt:D
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

I'm ashamed to say, I've just found a glimpse of a serial number under a lot of paint ... Must sand it down. Looks like (from the left crank to the drivertrain)

W G [something - 5,6,8?] 7
3 1 1 9 [maybe something else]
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Bought the frame off a guy who purchased it in Germany, so was thinking that it might be a good place to start. Outside of the 'unique' drill outs on the dropouts, there are no discerning markings. The fork seems to be quite 30's or 40's, but the windowed lugs are *probably* much newer .

Isn't it a Colnago? Have to ask as I'm not familiar with all this italian makers as I do not like their style- much chrome, less innovation. In fact I only love the frames of Dario Pegoretti as his work is finest machining integrated into the spirit of Punk. :)

I'm lucky owner of several frames that never will be identified and it's okay for me as the quality of an frame doesn't change, if you know the builder. As others mentioned, it is possible that you will never find out who did the craftmanship but i wouldn't spend much attention. It is just important if you want to sell it and I hope that isn't what you are going to do.

The frame is a beauty, so, If asked, i would say, remove the wrong decals and let this one just be, whatever it is. It's nice, it's cool- nothing more to know about. Probably (Bonanzero pointed it out) is this not an specific model of an known company but an unique custom made one- the kind of bicycle I always prefer because nothing is as rare as an handmade single piece.

The disadvantage of this bikes is, that most collectors are not very interested as it isn't possible to tell others "Hey I got an Masi!" (Herse, Singer, 3Rensho...) to get admiration but the real classicist will look and see if a bike is of value or not, whatever name is painted on. So care an pap on it. :)

Aside from this there is an mailinglist for collectors at http://www.phred.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous Guess you should read the list rules before joining. Good Luck.
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Thanks for that. I love the bike and have no intention of selling it, so that's not my motivations for 'naming' it - it's too much of an absolute pleasure to ride. I am just curious about the story behind it, wondering what it was in its 'past life' (and, quite frankly, spending time on forums like these is far more entertaining than actually doing 'work'):D.