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Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

behind it, wondering what it was in its 'past life' (and, quite frankly, spending time on forums like these is far more entertaining than actually doing 'work'):D.

I'm working at home on my computer daily and would die by boredom without forum comunication... :)

But it's late so- good N8.


Re: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

I'm ashamed to say, I've just found a glimpse of a serial number under a lot of paint ... Must sand it down.

You can try to doodle with a pencil over an piece of paper to make this visible. The slots will come out clearly with a little bit luck on the paper.
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

To appease my curiosity I got the nitromors out today. Had to cut through four layers of awful paint. BB shell is stamped:


AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

(here it is):

Front fork also stamped with same number:


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AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Sorry, i can't help with the name of a builder. But i agree with 101.20 about the frame and the fork not fitting together.
Twin plate fork crowns were quite common with track forks from the 40ies(?) through to the 60ies; they might have been used in the 70ies still (Masi did them for example), but your specimen looks a bit simple, to be honest.

The long thin lugs on the frame scream "70ies", maybe even eighties. i doubt such lugs were in use much earlier than that.
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Yeah, it's strange that the numbers on the bottom bracket and steerer match up... Maybe done after the build to 'marry' the two parts?
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Ist ja schön, das Ihr alle so gut englisch könnt, aber nicht alle können es so gut, deshalb fände ich es fair, würde der Threadersteller sich Mühe geben und sein deutsch vervollkommnen! Er kann es ja;)

So what-write german:):cool:
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

German summary of thread...

Und Zusammenfassung: Wir wissen nicht wer den Rahmen gebaut hat oder wann, Gabel und Rahmen haben passende Seriennummern, auch das haben wir nicht interpretieren können.
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

I figured I'd give this one last shot ... completely stripped back down to steel. Through a number of layers of paint came up with a stamp on the lug on the head tube. As well, the serial numbers matching (save for the '57') on the bb shell and front fork is complicating the whole old fork/newer frame possibility. I'm stumped. Anyone?


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AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

There is apparently this Hugo Rickert in the Zweirad/NSU museum. Interestingly it has very similar track ends... I know other Rickert's used similar plated forks (see picture) ... Does anyone know anything about the brand? There is very little historical, English information on Hugo Rickert.


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AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

i'm missing the rivet holes on the steerer tube, the older rickerts had them. and pictures of the fork crown would be great.
AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

Here are the pictures:

Back on the serial number, I'm thinking 57 n the bottom bracket is cm's, the little RY is probably the brazer, and 311963vis perhaps 3/1/1963. Was there any manufacturer with the initials WG, or a track bike builders whose serial numbers started with WG?


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AW: Helfen Sie, Fahrrad zu identifizierenen

You might try to contact Rickert directly:

Hugo Rickert
Dammstr. 28
D-44145 Dortmund

(+49) 0231 852262

or ask someone from the forum for help if you doubt whether you will understand each other. Hugo himself suffered a stroke a while ago, I do not think you will get him on the phone. But there will surely be someone else there who can help or at least point you in some direction.