Angehörigen/Frauensicht = objektiv betrachtet?? Oh come on.
Hugo, im Ernst: Mein ganzes Büro zeigte sich diese Woche mehr als nur verwundert, wie man bei 0° mit dem Rad in die Arbeit fahren kann. So tickt eben die Otto-Normal-Mehrheitsgesellschaft. Und wenn du diesen dann noch mit Velominati und Co. kommst, wird einem doch bewusst, dass wir eher ein Special Interest/Nerdprogramm "fahren".
Aber ihnen (mir ) wird geholfen:
How to become a Super Cyclist
- Plan ahead: Set specific times for work, family and the bike.
- Be flexible: The demands of career and children aren’t always easy to predict, so be ready for the bike to take a back seat from time to time.
- Have a goal: You can only train efficiently if you know what you’re training for.
- Commute by bike: Get to your desk and get in a training session at the same time.
- Make every session count: An hour’s hard work on the turbo once the kids are in bed is time well spent.
- Get up early: Train or race early in the morning and you can be home by the time most people are eating their cornflakes.
- Give something back: If your family supports you in your training and racing, show how much you appreciate it. Combine races with a family outing and maybe promise to take a couple of months off the bike at the end of the season.