nice fork cr0wn!

From 1969 till now
Del Sante *
MA (58) Del Sante Losa @ Borgo S. Giuseppe 8a, 43125 Parma PR, Italia
(posted a Del Sante by »Vanni« already back in 2014
saint's, of the
saint, holy sante
brazed by the watchmakers son »
Vanni« Giovanni Losa
about 1969/70 latest.
little familar story, most of you will be unfamilar with...
My italian mothers very beloved father, who passed away pretty early as my mother was still 24 years young, actually originated from Parma


received this higher resolution set of picture late yesterday night : ))
frame & fork ff will follow to me too
Anhang anzeigen 947947Anhang anzeigen 947953Anhang anzeigen 947950Anhang anzeigen 947949Anhang anzeigen 947946Anhang anzeigen 947954Anhang anzeigen 947951Anhang anzeigen 947952Anhang anzeigen 947948
other pretty smiliar one or two years younger beautiful blue Del Sante Losa racing bicycle d'epoca on here too!
Anhang anzeigen 947962