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Scatola movimento centrale d'artigano | Tretlagergehaeuse - Rahmenbau-Liebe Im Detail (Handwerkskunst) | elaborate bottom bracket shells

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Re: Scatola movimento centrale d'artigano | Tretlagergehaeuse - Rahmenbau-Liebe Im Detail (Handwerkskunst) | elaborate bottom bracket shells

Massa Lombarda, Reggio-Emilia 🇮🇹

founded 1963 (offically registered '64 @ Confartigianato) active till 2006
inhouse tailor master - frame builder Umberto Chiesa di Bologna, till '78
Then build inhouse by Giovanni Rivola s second born son Gianni (telaista) ✅, after 1️⃣ primo Fausto, the next decade and a half...
Some trademarks of Chiesa are the frame integrated pump peg as the abbreviated inner (side) fork crown and the omitting of the fork tangs, and especially the way of working the tube ends towards the dropouts.
Like a hybrid between these two Patelli (of Bologna, too) frames on(line) here :oops: too 💩 !
certainly brazed by Umberto Chiesa
post #138
post #432




dal 1963

Massa Lombarda, Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna 🇮🇹

2nd son Gianni Rivola telaista /framebuilder

(about 20 hours for a frame - almost three work days. Steering tube, bottom bracket shell and seat-tube were brazed in a softwood* coal forge (fucina a carbone legno docle*), took about one and a half hours. Plus the rest, which was brazed using a brazing torch & castolin.


Cronometro (700c rear & 650c front) hey 👋🏾 @Simplex sieh mal her 🙏🏾 🤗 :D

tubing - Columbus MultiShape 🧪 🔺 ⚪ 📐
paint -livrea - verniciatura Mario Martini 🎨
dropouts - Columbus by tecnocilo sestese 🔩
down-tube single aero shift lever braze-on 🏎️

Gianni Rivola pursuit crono TT (700-650c) × Columbus Multishape verniciatura livrea Mario Mart...jpg
Gianni Rivola pursuit crono TT (700-650c) × Columbus Multishape verniciatura livrea Mario Mart...jpg
Gianni Rivola pursuit crono TT (700-650c) × Columbus Multishape verniciatura livrea Mario Mart...jpg
Gianni Rivola pursuit crono TT (700-650c) × Columbus Multishape verniciatura livrea Mario Mart...jpg
Gianni Rivola pursuit crono TT (700-650c) × Columbus Multishape verniciatura livrea Mario Mart...jpg
Gianni Rivola pursuit crono TT (700-650c) × Columbus Multishape verniciatura livrea Mario Mart...jpg
Gianni Rivola pursuit crono TT (700-650c) × Columbus Multishape verniciatura livrea Mario Mart...jpg
Gianni Rivola pursuit crono TT (700-650c) × Columbus Multishape verniciatura livrea Mario Mart...jpg
Gianni Rivola pursuit crono TT (700-650c) × Columbus Multishape verniciatura livrea Mario Mart...jpg
Gianni Rivola pursuit crono TT (700-650c) × Columbus Multishape verniciatura livrea Mario Mart...jpg
Isch hamm jetzte datt bei mir zuhuss!
Seit gestern Abend nach der Arbigge nell' officina - gegen 21 Uhr ausgepackt!


SP 437
matching frame and fork number as original red primer and livery

dal 1963 fino 2006 (Gianni left 2005, and went to Somec😳...)

L'azienda fu ufficalente registrata presso la Confartigianato nel 1964 -
The company was officially registered at Confartigianato in 1964

Massa Lombarda, Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna 🇮🇹

2nd son and framebuilder / telaista Gianni Rivola, after Umberto Chiesa, di Bologna
or Rivola s first inhouse frame builder Umberto Chiesa... 🧐:idee::crash: :D

(about 20 hours for a frame - almost three work days. Steering tube, bottom bracket shell and seat-tube were brazed in a softwood* coal forge (fucina a carbone legno docle*), took about one and a half hours. Plus the rest, which was brazed using a brazing torch & castolin.


Chierici Parma, investment cast bottom bracket shell pinned / Feinguss Tretlagergehaeuse gestiftet / scatola movimento microfusione (a cera persa) centrale puntata (puntatura..)

fork crown has two vent holes drilled crosswise making it hollow 👑 like here
this Davdison frame & fork were brazed by the star brazer at Davidson - Mark Bulgier (to which the frame belongs too), not DiNucci like the filename erroneously states 🙏🏾, pardon!

Columbus SP tubing

Campagnolo 1010/b Porta Catena dropouts / Ausfallenden / - by tecnociclo sestese
how the chainstays and seatstays especially as fork blades are modified towards the dropouts and how these are brazed!!! :oops: 😘

custom top tube brake cable braze-ons 🔩 🔥

seat lug ♥️ the weight reduction above the "relief bore/hole..."

seatstay caps - Strebenspiegel 🎨

livrea bellissima - beautiful livery - wunderschoene Lackierung 🌈💎

looks much better in real 😮‍💨 :D

Rivola Competition telaio  (16).jpg
Rivola Competition telaio  (10).jpg
Rivola Competition telaio  (9).jpg
Rivola Competition telaio  (8).jpg
Rivola Competition telaio  (7).jpg
Rivola Competition telaio  (14).jpg
Rivola Competition telaio  (1).jpg
Rivola Competition telaio  (11).jpg
Rivola Competition telaio  (6).jpg

Rivola Competition telaio  (12).jpg
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