Cicli Paratella
Paratella 7337
37th frame in 1973
Corrado Paratella (28 Settembre 1912 - 4 Maggio 1994) di Torino
via Cuneo 7, Torino
Paratella build only 25-40 frames a year and in total 700-800.
Famous for his refined production of espically road & stayer frames.
together with Pelà, Picchio and Beltramo the magic four master framebuilders of turin.
Close friend of Tullio Campagnolo with whom he raced togheter in the "Niccolò Biondi Capri" team in the 30s.
As stated in the by Campagnolo, in limited number, published book "il gigante e la lima", Tullio before releasing a component on the market, always visited (Corrado) Paratella to get his opinion and have it tested.
from the late 40s to the 80s active as framebuilder
Paratella 7337
37th frame in 1973
Corrado Paratella (28 Settembre 1912 - 4 Maggio 1994) di Torino
via Cuneo 7, Torino
Paratella build only 25-40 frames a year and in total 700-800.
Famous for his refined production of espically road & stayer frames.
together with Pelà, Picchio and Beltramo the magic four master framebuilders of turin.
Close friend of Tullio Campagnolo with whom he raced togheter in the "Niccolò Biondi Capri" team in the 30s.
As stated in the by Campagnolo, in limited number, published book "il gigante e la lima", Tullio before releasing a component on the market, always visited (Corrado) Paratella to get his opinion and have it tested.
from the late 40s to the 80s active as framebuilder
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