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Blog lesen!

"Anyway, this morning I thought to myself, "It sure would be nice to go for a ride. Too bad I have so many responsibilities." But then I remembered I don't have any responsibilities at all, and so I said, "Fuck it, I'm riding."

via: bsnyc


Re: Blog lesen!
Für dieses Unterforum relevant: http://bikeretrogrouch.blogspot.de/ .

Für die "Ganz-Alt-Freaks": http://vintagebicycle.wordpress.com/ .

Radsport - aber nicht nur ! - mit Kolumbien-Bezug (aber nicht nur ...): http://www.cyclinginquisition.com/ .

Und natürlich die lustigen Beiträge unserer "Drink-and-Drive"-Kollegen vom Eisenschweinkader: http://eisenschweinkader.org/ .

'N bißchen viel öder Fixie-Kram, aber manchmal auch richtig gute Fotostrecken: http://www.cycleexif.com/ .

Vielen Dank für die lobende Erwähnung! Mein Lieblingsblog war lange der Kettenstift, leider scheint die Tinte eingetrocknet zu sein. Ein Höhepunkt: http://settheredflag.org/blog/kette...-us-portal-irgendwann-anfang-des-jahrhunderts

"Meanwhile, bro-duder dude-bros are still bro-duding and duder-bro-ing around in the mountains on their stupid track bikes:


Apparently these are the last four bro-dudes on the entire planet of Earth who have not yet heeded the entire Internet's advice to get a freaking road bike already....

The simple fact is that you can only ride up and down a mountain pass on a brakeless track bike so many times before you're forced to admit you're an idiot,"

via: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.de/2014/04/wednesday-your-job-may-be-mandatory-but.html
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
"See, the thing about artists is that they have much more profound relationships with their bicycles than you or I do, which is what makes them better cyclists and better people. Take Frank Benson, for example, who appears to be a cross between a garden variety Fred and Dieter from "Sprockets:"


"Really, the urban cycling movement isn't going to save the planet? This is terribly disappointing, because I thought sunburned 20-somethings in tank tops and jean shorts riding from Brooklyn to Fort Tilden was going to bring back the polar ice caps."

And how about Kyle MacLachlan circa "Sex And The City" here?:


Oy. Even Lucas Brunelle just got "douche chills." You know, if the flat bars on your Bianchi were a mere five centimeters wider the handling on your bike would be considerably more confidence-inspiring and you wouldn't fear for your life so much--though you'd still get to savor the exhilarating risk of getting your blazer caught in the door of a Range Rover.

via: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.de/2014/07/its-raining-bikes.html
"Meanwhile, bro-duder dude-bros are still bro-duding and duder-bro-ing around in the mountains on their stupid track bikes:


Apparently these are the last four bro-dudes on the entire planet of Earth who have not yet heeded the entire Internet's advice to get a freaking road bike already....

The simple fact is that you can only ride up and down a mountain pass on a brakeless track bike so many times before you're forced to admit you're an idiot,"

via: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.de/2014/04/wednesday-your-job-may-be-mandatory-but.html

Mann, ey, wie du immer all den krankesten shize findest
Bike Snob NYC ist nun wirklich kein kranker Sch... sondern macht sich gekonnt über so etwas lustig.
"Fortunately they don't call me 'Wild' for nothing."


However, if you've been making deliveries by bicycle for 30 years and you are still having a demonstrably difficult time carrying your pizza pies, I think then it's fair to suggest that maybe it's time to visit Nashbar and shell out twenty bucks for a rack or something.

I mean really, it's painful to watch, especially when he has to deal with two bags:

"One thing all these bike messenger videos seem to have in common is that you're supposed to feel like it's the messengers against the world, but it becomes clear that the world is actually being pretty cooperative a lot of the time and it's usually the messengers themselves who are making things so difficult:"

es gab mal einen blog der "Il Dolore" hieß.
soweit ich mich erinnern kann, gabs dort nur bilder und keinen text.
vornehmlich schwarz/weiß bilder.
der wurde hier auch mal vorgestellt.
kennt den jmd und weiß zufällig, ob es etwas vergleichbares gibt?
seit ein paar monaten ist der nicht mehr auffindbar.