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Re: Blog lesen!
Ach was. Das Teil ist super. Viel viel besser als Räder aus Stahl; ich bin heute wieder derartig nass geworden, hab meinen Tacho verloren und mich beinahe lang gemacht: Das macht doch alles überhaupt keinen Sinn.

Ansonsten hab ich noch alte Rahmen und sonstigen Metallschrott rumliegen: Ein passendes neues Werkstatthöckerchen wäre fein :).
»For one thing, if you die while cycling, the reporter covering the story will take great pains to mention whether or not you were wearing a helment--even if you have a heart attack while riding and then get run over by a steamroller.«

Normalerweise tut @no*dice das hier schon, aber man kann ihn gar nicht oft genug empfehlen…
See, like any other animal, when we reproduce, the survival and well-being of our kids becomes paramount--and by extension our own importance trumps the importance of others because we have to be around to feed those kids. It's science! For example, what does mother goose do when her hatchlings are threatened? She mauls the shit out of a Weird Al impersonator on a bike, that's what:

This natural imperative to protect our offspring at all costs is behind pretty much all the ills of society: war, income inequality, crying babies in nice restaurants... It's also behind what I call the "fortification phenomenon," by which "safety-minded" parents transport their families in motor vehicles of ever-increasing size, forcing other parents to get even bigger motor vehicles to protect their families from those parents, and so on and so forth, resulting in the arms race that effectively drives the American motor vehicle industry, and by extension the Global War Machine.

To see this phenomenon in action, visit your local school in the morning, where you'll notice that the child drop-off looks less like the traditional idea of a school and more like troop deployment or the United Nations during a summit. Giant SUVs parked three-deep, children ushered solemnly from back seats, crossing guards just to protect the children from the same parents who are dropping them off...

Jetzt ist es wissenschaftlich erwiesen: Klassiker fahren macht jünger!

»Here's a little experiment: take Cyclist A and Cyclist B. At around the time he hit middle age, Cyclist A said in an old-timey accent, "Index shifting, plastic saddles, and non-ferrous bicycle frames is for 'da boids." Well guess what? Cyclist A is 99 years old now and he's jamming up those hills on his Dick Power like a man one-quarter his age.«

Natürlich er mal wieder …

Mal eine gute Schulfilmanalyse beim Retrogrouch (neben einigen anderen interessanten neuen Beiträgen) - mit (zeitlicher) Distanz betrachtet ist "One Got Fat" (1963) wirklich in jeder Hinsicht schräg und schrecklich zugleich - Kinder mit Affenmasken, die eines nach dem anderen beim Radfahren sterben, bis auf eines, das schlauer (und vor allem: regelkonformer) handelt als die anderen, und deswegen den Inhalt aller ihrer übrig gebliebenen Picknick-Tüten alleine aufessen darf (und dadurch fett wird) ... :eek:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
... und noch ein schon etwas älterer Beitrag auf 'RideMetal' anläßlich des Stundenweltrekords von Jens Voigt mit einem ganz netten YouTube-Filmchen über Eddy Merckx' Rekordfahrt in Mexiko 1972, und vor allem mit einer Aussage, der ich mich vollumfänglich anschließen kann:

"Congrats to Jens on an amazing effort today, definitely one of the best ways I can think of to end a career. Chapeau!"

That said…

I really think the record should be divided into “modern” and “classic” categories, if only to preserve it as a test of human endurance and power…independent of technology. If I were a professional cyclist, I would LOVE the opportunity to “race” Eddy, and the only way to come close to doing that is against the clock, on as level a playing field as possible.

So, THAT said…call me when someone is rolling on steel and spokes!"

Das seh' ich ganz genau so.

Die jüngeren Beiträge auf 'RideMetal' sind natürlich auch (kurz aber) lesenswert. :)
"For example, at least once a day I head purposefully down to my basement, stand around for a few minutes wondering what the fuck I'm doing down there, and finally head back upstairs again confused and ashamed.
So basically, either there are aliens living in my basement who regularly probe me and then erase my brain, or else I can't remember shit. Really, Maus's little brainfart is mild by parenting standards."



"The simple fact is the only way not to look stupid when you're off the bike is to wear no cycling clothing at all. Of course, this is not always possible, in which case wearing all cycling clothes is better than wearing some cycling clothes. In other words, wearing baggy shorts and a jersey looks even dumber than wearing a full Lycra stretchy suit.


via: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.de/2014/12/no-time-for-titles.html