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Ein schönes Interview mit Mike und Michael Barry, Vater Rahmenbauer, der seinem ehemals als Radrennfahrer erfolgreichem Sohn nun das Stahlrahmenbauen im wiedereröffneten Unternehmen Mariposa Bicycles/Toronto näherbringt. Dazu schöne Bilder vom Heute und Damals.




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Das haben die Amis doch mal wieder von UNS geklaut. Wir waren die ersten die mit UNSERER bahnbrechenden DU BIST DEUTSCHLAND oder eben Porsche oder so PLAKAT Kampagne von UNSEREM bundesdeutschen Kraft durch Freude Team motiviert wurden.
Und bei UNS hat auch keiner Arschlöcher gesagt;).
Obwohl ich immer noch ein bisschen enttäuscht bin, dass ich nicht Rickert oder Kotter sein durfte... abernaja.
You know how the second it starts snowing anyplace in America all the drivers lose what remains of their minds and crash into each other immediately, and how all the cyclists won't dare venture outside without first spending a few thousand dollars on an industry-approved fat bike they'll never actually ride?

Well here's what happens in the Netherlands:

It's worth noting that the typical middle-aged Dutch person on a city bike seems to have better bike-handling skills than most of the field at a typical American cyclocross race.

via: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.de/2015/01/bsnyc-friday-fun-quiz.html
Say what you will about Ullrich, but that guy knows how to machen die Partei:


Both Armstrong and Ullich could use a lesson in self-restraint from the alarmingly placid Miguel Indurain:


(Indurain visits his wax facsimile at Madame Tussauds.)

The most outrageous thing Indurain has done during his retirement is use spicy mustard on his sandwich that one time.

via: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.de/2015/02/wednesdays-are-for-mayhem.html

I was a little confused by the video, what with its fast cuts and sassy millennials, but let me see if I've got it. So Nü-Fred is riding around on his fixie:


With the locked arms and look of concentration bordering on panic which is typical of the breed:


When his face collapses into a pudding of dismay:


Why? Because he's not wearing expensive cycling-specific jeans and he's been parading his ass crack all over town!

Just kidding.


Now nothing strikes terror in the heart of a Nü-Fred quite like a puncture, which is why this passing cyclist regards him with a disconcerting look of predatory bemusement:


Spotting her victim, she hunches over her bag like a witch over a cauldron, and then she withdraws what at first glance appears to be a mini-pump but upon closer inspection is clearly some kind of blowgun or tranquilizer dart:


From this we can infer that she means to stun and incapacitate him and then drag him back to her lair for some nefarious purpose.

Meanwhile, blissfully oblivious to the peril he's in, Nü-Fred whips out his smartphone and launches the Kerbi app:


Which immediately pinpoints the exact location of every courier in the area:


How this works is a closely-guarded professional secret, and Kerbi will only say that their proprietary messenger algorithm is somehow able to pick up the unique combination of self-importance, body odor, and THC emitted by couriers.

Anyway, Uma the Courier receives a notification that there is a helpless Nü-Fred in the immediate vicinity:


(Nice Lucas Brunelle hat.)

Who is also willing to pay a whopping £11 (or US$125) for the privilege of not getting his hands or sweater dirty:


Frank also gets the call, but he's too busy admiring his spoke cards:


As for Alex, he's still trying to figure out what's in the vegan chili his roommate made last night:


"Is that a black bean or a rat turd?," he wonders. Either way, the call goes unheeded:



Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So Uma accepts the job:


And high-tails it over there with £ signs in her eyes:


Meanwhile, Nü-Fred stands there, a monument to uselessness, even more so than the utterly obsolete phone booth behind him:


Then he grows impatient and starts tapping at his smartphone, oblivious to the fact that Uma is dismounting ninja-like behind him even as he does so:


And within moments she's working deftly at his wheel like it's a soiled baby and she wants it to shut up:


As for the first cyclist, she's disgusted:


Then, the pumping starts:


And for some reason this absolutely devastates her:


Her spirit crushed, she turns her palms heavenward and begins to sob.

As for Nü-Fred, he's just like, "Duh, you're amazing, how did you do that?!?"


Then they shake hands, Uma tells him to get a clue, and they both go their separate ways:


The end.

via: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.de/
Es macht zwar natürlich letztlich überhaupt keinen Unterschied, was für ein Fahrrad ein Mensch gefahren hat, der dann von einem LKW überfahren wurde (in Kreuzberg, Reichenberger Ecke Glogauer Straße), aber dieses Bild tut zumindest mir noch mal besonders weh:


Aus: Der Stadtradler, ein Berliner Fahrradblog.

Local officials across the state have fought to host Olympic basketball, volleyball, and sailing. But as Boston 2024 officials have roamed the state putting together their new plan, there is one venue that no one seems to be vying for: the velodrome, a physically huge and enormously expensive indoor bicycling track that hosts one of America’s least popular Olympic sports.
In an Olympic landscape stalked by white elephants, the velodrome just might be the lead pachyderm, skewered by critics as the ultimate symbol of the waste and excess required to host the Games.

Goddamn right! Remember back in like 2007 when fixies were big and the people we used to call "hipsters" were all whining about how they needed to have velodromes so they could ride their track bikes and show off their knuckle tattoos? Well, it's a good thing nobody listened to them, because if they had the entire country would now be littered with the shells of unused velodromes, desolate and lying in wait for some natural disaster when they could finally see use as emergency shelters.

via: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.de/2015/06/sorry-im-late-my-apple-watch-was-set-to.html
Now the idea of "aero gains at any speed" may sound a bit self-contradictory, but it's important to remember that by making some small changes to your setup and riding style you can finish your ride more quickly, which has the overall effect of reducing the amount of time you're out there enjoying yourself. This is the very essence of road riding. To that end, here are the main tips contained in the video:

1) Don't leave your jacket on

2) Don't ride a "loosely-cabled" bikes

3) Don't use a saddle pack

4) Don't use lights

5) Get a new helme(n)t

6) Get new clothes
