AW: Fixie Inc. Pure Blood Rahmen Kosten
Sorry, I think, you got me wrong.
What's your problem with the price? The Genesis, you linked is more expensive then the pure blood, the cross-check is the 400,- range, but never occured to be something more sophisticated then ok state of the art 4130 cromo (I do ride one).
So the salsa is actually one example, that, at least given by catalogue text, really sounds good bang for the buck (and definitly better then the pure blood) besides, I did not see anything (did'nt find a price for the Lemond at short search).
BottomLine: I'm always appreciating a good bang for the buck bargain, but still I'm not surprised in any way about the pure blood price. The Salsa of course seems to be worth a second look.
What kind of price for the pure blood you are referring to? The official price list says 899,-.
Given, as said before, the fixies pride themselves, not to be cheapos, but high-end image...I still don't get your problem.
I definitly did not point out in my post, the frame should cost no more than 500,-, nor gave any appraisal, what it was "worth" (in whatever way)