DC Rainmaker hat
Garmin besucht. Hier ein Auszug seines Artikels zum aktuellen Stand von Vector:
On the
topic of Garmin Vector, obviously this continues to be a pain point for the company. While there is cautious optimism across many of the teams I spoke with, nobody is willing to say this chicken has hatched yet – if nothing else to avoid jinxing their current progress. Patrick noted that this was probably the singular example where
Garmin has simply decided to hold off on releasing the product until it’s truly
100% ready. We again spoke at length about the perils of going out with a product that’s buggy and/or not fully baked. While most products (
Garmin and otherwise) tend to rebound from a quality standpoint, the damage is done from a reputation/review standpoint. Examples such as the
Garmin Fenix,
Garmin Edge 510/810 and Stages Power reviews were widely read internally and there appeared to be significant internal desire to avoid any of those situations. An interesting theme I heard over and over again regarding Vector was a clear understanding (messaging if you will) on their part that the
only aspect that will matter at the end of the day with Vector is if the data is accurate. Obviously usability, durability, easy of use, etc… is important, but there appears to be very little interest in pushing any Vector units out the door until they can stand up to even the most in-depth analysis of power data.
This is probably the first time I’ve seen anything from Garmin indicating that data accuracy was the priority (over marketing/fluff). This also is good in that their expectations are set clearly that the focus of such a review from me will be heavily on the accuracy of data – and like other reviews, making that data public and accessible for others to analyze.
Der ganze Artikel auch mit Infos zu den anderen Garmingeräten ist hier zu lesen: