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Scatola movimento centrale d'artigano | Tretlagergehaeuse - Rahmenbau-Liebe Im Detail (Handwerkskunst) | elaborate bottom bracket shells


tuellich in Titan dahoam!
(nos&nip nur 40€ Taler/Kohlen. Versand hat sich amortisiert, gell. hehe :D)
Nur an so billigen & heaufigen Sachen zu sehen wie datt ->
Gion (- Don) by Pelizzoli :D

Pelizzoli, Giovanni (1).jpg
Pelizzoli, Giovanni (6).jpgPelizzoli, Giovanni (7).jpgPelizzoli, Giovanni (4).jpgPelizzoli, Giovanni (2).jpgPelizzoli, Giovanni (5).jpgPelizzoli, Giovanni (3).jpg


Re: Scatola movimento centrale d'artigano | Tretlagergehaeuse - Rahmenbau-Liebe Im Detail (Handwerkskunst) | elaborate bottom bracket shells
Anhang anzeigen 1043693Anhang anzeigen 1043694Anhang anzeigen 1043695
tuellich in Titan dahoam!
(nos&nip nur 40€ Taler/Kohlen. Versand hat sich amortisiert, gell. hehe :D)
Nur an so billigen & heaufigen Sachen zu sehen wie datt ->
Gion (- Don) by Pelizzoli :D

Anhang anzeigen 1043702Anhang anzeigen 1043699Anhang anzeigen 1043697Anhang anzeigen 1043696Anhang anzeigen 1043701Anhang anzeigen 1043700Anhang anzeigen 1043698
kannst gleich zu mir hoam schicka!
Anhang anzeigen 1043693Anhang anzeigen 1043694Anhang anzeigen 1043695
tuellich in Titan dahoam!
(nos&nip nur 40€ Taler/Kohlen. Versand hat sich amortisiert, gell. hehe :D)
Nur an so billigen & heaufigen Sachen zu sehen wie datt ->
Gion (- Don) by Pelizzoli :D

Anhang anzeigen 1043702Anhang anzeigen 1043699Anhang anzeigen 1043697Anhang anzeigen 1043696Anhang anzeigen 1043701Anhang anzeigen 1043700Anhang anzeigen 1043698
Ich bin sonst wirklich kein Kenner italienischer Preziosen, aber als ich das erste Foto dieses Gion sah (bevor ich nur ein Wort zu Deinem zugehörigen Text gelesen habe, werter @Avi.1990, musste ich sofort an Pelizzoli als möglichen Erzeuger dieses Rahmens denken. :D
Da war ich dann (als ich anschließend den zugehörigen Text gelesen habe) schon etwas erstaunt über mich selbst. :D
Ich bin sonst wirklich kein Kenner italienischer Preziosen, aber als ich das erste Foto dieses Gion sah (bevor ich nur ein Wort zu Deinem zugehörigen Text gelesen habe, werter @Avi.1990, musste ich sofort an Pelizzoli als möglichen Erzeuger dieses Rahmens denken. :D
Da war ich dann (als ich anschließend den zugehörigen Text gelesen habe) schon etwas erstaunt über mich selbst. :D
🤣 😂
Cicli Martinetto
dal 1931
@ via Vittorio Emanuele, Cirié, comune della città metropolitana di Torino (20 km distance) in Peimonte 🇮🇹

Secondo Martinetto
born @ San Francesco al Campo, in via Bruna, il 27 agosto 1894 - è venuto a mancare (ungefaehr wortwoertlich: [ist] kam zu fehlen) {oder - si è spento - er hat sich ausgemacht/abgeschaltet -- er ist erloschen} il 4 settembre 1968

Gli amici si divertono a far circolare la battuta: – Chi ha vinto la corsa? Secondo Martinetto! Ma qual è il nome del vincitore? Secondo Martinetto! Di amici e sportivi che per lui si entusiasmano, Secondo Martinetto ne ha davvero molti. Non per le esaltanti vittorie, per classe innata, per dominio assoluto; tutt’altro, perché raramente ci s’imbatte nel suo nome fra i primi negli arrivi delle corse che contano, eppure a suo modo è un personaggio che richiama, forse per il suo modo di correre garibaldino, forse perché non appartiene a nessuna squadra titolata e deve arrangiarsi sempre da solo, in corsa e fuori, o perché la stazza atletica rivela in lui un faticatore indomabile, dalla «pedalata gladiatoria» come sentenzia la penna di Ernesto Caballo.

Friends enjoy circulating the joke: - Who won the race? Second Martinetto! But what is the name of the winner? Second Martinetto! Secondo Martinetto has a lot of friends and sportsmen who are enthusiastic about him. Not because of his exciting victories, his innate class, his absolute dominance; quite the contrary, because his name is rarely found among the first in the arrivals of the races that count, and yet in his own way he is a character who attracts attention, perhaps because of his garibaldian* way of running, perhaps because he does not belong to any titled team and always has to manage / get by / along on his own, in and out of the race, or because his athletic size reveals him to be an indomitable tireless worker, with a 'gladiatorial pedal stroke' as sentenced by Ernesto Caballo feather.

*garibaldino adj. and s. m. - 1. adj. a. Relating to Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) and his exploits: the Garibaldi volunteers; the Garibaldi epic. b. In a figurative sense, referring to heroic deeds or deeds carried out with impetus, with youthful enthusiasm, even if recklessly and with little discipline, or to a proud and bold attitude; with a similar meaning, the locution av. alla garibaldina, in phrases such as acting, proceeding in a g. manner, things done in a garibaldine manner. 2. s. m. Each of the volunteers who followed G. Garibaldi in his endeavours for Italian independence. By extension, mostly in the plural, the volunteers who rushed to Greece (1879) following Ricciotti Garibaldi, and to the Ardennes (1914) with Peppino Garibaldi; during the Resistance (1943-45), the members of the volunteer formations named after G. Garibaldi.
Synonyms and antonyms
[from the name of Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882)]. - adj. 1. [relating to G. Garibaldi and his exploits]. 2. (fig.) [of an enterprise carried out with youthful enthusiasm, even if recklessly] ≈ animoso, ardimentoso, ardito, audaceoso, baldanzoso, baldo,...

brazed by guess who 😂

🍐 🔪 pealing una pera per Pino 😳 Pelà :D
congiunzioni Nervex Professionnel 🇫🇷 ;-)

also Lupo's and Colnago's with Martinetto decals have been spotted! 🙏🏾
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Cicli Martinetto
dal 1931
@ via Vittorio Emanuele, Cirié, comune della città metropolitana di Torino (20 km distance) in Peimonte 🇮🇹

Secondo Martinetto
born @ San Francesco al Campo, in via Bruna, il 27 agosto 1894 - è venuto a mancare (ungefaehr wortwoertlich: [ist] kam zu fehlen) {oder - si è spento - er hat sich ausgemacht/abgeschaltet -- er ist erloschen} il 4 settembre 1968

Gli amici si divertono a far circolare la battuta: – Chi ha vinto la corsa? Secondo Martinetto! Ma qual è il nome del vincitore? Secondo Martinetto! Di amici e sportivi che per lui si entusiasmano, Secondo Martinetto ne ha davvero molti. Non per le esaltanti vittorie, per classe innata, per dominio assoluto; tutt’altro, perché raramente ci s’imbatte nel suo nome fra i primi negli arrivi delle corse che contano, eppure a suo modo è un personaggio che richiama, forse per il suo modo di correre garibaldino, forse perché non appartiene a nessuna squadra titolata e deve arrangiarsi sempre da solo, in corsa e fuori, o perché la stazza atletica rivela in lui un faticatore indomabile, dalla «pedalata gladiatoria» come sentenzia la penna di Ernesto Caballo.

Friends enjoy circulating the joke: - Who won the race? Second Martinetto! But what is the name of the winner? Second Martinetto! Secondo Martinetto has a lot of friends and sportsmen who are enthusiastic about him. Not because of his exciting victories, his innate class, his absolute dominance; quite the contrary, because his name is rarely found among the first in the arrivals of the races that count, and yet in his own way he is a character who attracts attention, perhaps because of his garibaldian* way of running, perhaps because he does not belong to any titled team and always has to manage / get by / along on his own, in and out of the race, or because his athletic size reveals him to be an indomitable tireless worker, with a 'gladiatorial pedal stroke' as sentenced by Ernesto Caballo feather.

*garibaldino adj. and s. m. - 1. adj. a. Relating to Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) and his exploits: the Garibaldi volunteers; the Garibaldi epic. b. In a figurative sense, referring to heroic deeds or deeds carried out with impetus, with youthful enthusiasm, even if recklessly and with little discipline, or to a proud and bold attitude; with a similar meaning, the locution av. alla garibaldina, in phrases such as acting, proceeding in a g. manner, things done in a garibaldine manner. 2. s. m. Each of the volunteers who followed G. Garibaldi in his endeavours for Italian independence. By extension, mostly in the plural, the volunteers who rushed to Greece (1879) following Ricciotti Garibaldi, and to the Ardennes (1914) with Peppino Garibaldi; during the Resistance (1943-45), the members of the volunteer formations named after G. Garibaldi.
Synonyms and antonyms
[from the name of Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882)]. - adj. 1. [relating to G. Garibaldi and his exploits]. 2. (fig.) [of an enterprise carried out with youthful enthusiasm, even if recklessly] ≈ animoso, ardimentoso, ardito, audaceoso, baldanzoso, baldo,...

brazed by guess who 😂

🍐 🔪 pealing una pera per Pino 😳 Pelà :D
congiunzioni Nervex Professionnel 🇫🇷 ;-)

also Lupo's and Colnago's with Martinetto decals have been spotted! 🙏🏾
Anhang anzeigen 1044246Anhang anzeigen 1044255Anhang anzeigen 1044248Anhang anzeigen 1044254Anhang anzeigen 1044249Anhang anzeigen 1044250Anhang anzeigen 1044253Anhang anzeigen 1044247Anhang anzeigen 1044251Anhang anzeigen 1044252
Hallo @Avi.1990 ,
ist das zufällig ein (irgendwo eingestelltes) aktuelles Kaufangebot?
Sach mal, wolltes du nicht erst mal den Titan-Rahmen von @BuddyBuda im Biete-Faden kaufen??? 🧐

Keine Ausreden hier!!! 🙀
Niemals. :D
Da hast Du wohl etwas in den falschen Hals gekriegt. ;)
Ich bat lediglich darum, dass sich irgendjemand erbarmt, und den Titan-Rahmen von @BuddyBuda kauft, damit seine ewige Wiederholung des selben Verkaufsangebotes endlich aufhört (und ich die zugehörigen Fotos nicht mehr betrachten muss). :D
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