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Aktuelles Kartenmaterial für Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT, ROAM, ELEMNT selbst generieren

Well I have it running in/on WSL2/Ubuntu. The original Wahoo repository is here https://github.com/WahooFitness/valhalla but that does not quite work for some reason. Together with a guy named Henk we (he!) made it working here https://github.com/Intyre/valhalla-wahoo in the fix-docker branch. There is a docker setup but I have not tried it and to be honest don't yet quite understand how to get it working https://github.com/Intyre/valhalla-wahoo/tree/fix/docker/docker. To get it running, with Henks modifications, on wsl/Ubuntu I followed mostly this guide https://gis-ops.com/valhalla-part-1-how-to-install-on-ubuntu/ Depending on what you do it's resource intensive. I made the new routing tiles using a planet file to prevent problems in border areas. I "gave" wsl 16 processors and 64 GB of ram to work with, it used the ram all right but still took nearly a full 5 days to finish.


Re: Aktuelles Kartenmaterial für Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT, ROAM, ELEMNT selbst generieren
For those interested, new maps and routing tiles are up for Germany and The Netherlands with Great-Britain uploading atm.
The routing tiles should be summit freeride compatible. Please test and let me know if it works as expected on all routing capable devices. Please test if freeride works and if the Roam 1, which I believe does have routing but no freeride, works with them. The files can be found here https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AM8e4ViJIHdmOyU&id=F4E28DC020FD3904!136&cid=F4E28DC020FD3904
I ran a small test this evening with your new routing tiles, four routing attempts directly from the Roam V1:

Twice the Roam crashed directly and restarted itself, once it created a route of about 150 km for maybe 20 km straight line, once the navigation was reasonably successful but even there the route recommendation was cumbersome.
Thanks (again) for testing @*cl* . Unfortunately I have had very little feedback so far. So I'm not sure if the crashing is due to the routing files themselves or the roam 1 not liking the elevation in them. Wahoo probably has a reason for providing them both.
These routing tiles are probably the last try for me, they where created using the Wahoo Valhalla repository, if that does not work, what's left to try?
@*cl* (or somebody else) Could you try with this file? https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=...FD3904!3092&cid=F4E28DC020FD3904&sb=name&sd=1 (Wahoo\for CL to test\germany-etc if the link does not take you there) It's made with the Wahoo-Valhalla but using the Valhalla config found in the firmware. I'm not expecting miracles, but maybe... Just Germany with incomplete border area's btw.
It won't change the lousy routing results but hopefully will not crash your Roam 1.

If this doesn't work I might try using a older Wahoo-Valhalla release from early 2022 (before the stock Wahoo files where generated). If that also doesn't work I'm really giving up on routing.
Heute 60km ohne Tour Planung und den neuen routing tiles mit dem Roamv2 gemacht; extra mit zwei Anstiegen gewählt, „SUMMIT FREERIDE“ hat funktioniert, wurde angezeigt auch sonst keine Probleme. Super und vielen Dank Erwin; klasse Arbeit! 😍👌🏻
Heute 60km ohne Tour Planung und den neuen routing tiles mit dem Roamv2 gemacht; extra mit zwei Anstiegen gewählt, „SUMMIT FREERIDE“ hat funktioniert, wurde angezeigt auch sonst keine Probleme. Super und vielen Dank Erwin; klasse Arbeit! 😍👌🏻
Hast Du Dich aber auch irgendwo hin navigieren lassen? Das ist ja das, was mein RoamV1 nicht hinbekommt mit @Ebe66 s Routingtiles. Dass Summit Freeride mit seinen Karten geht, ist super 👍
Hi, tried today with map, tiles and vtm file from wednesday on roamv2

Some feedback:
  • I will turn off some POIs, is too much for me
  • Map is great!
  • Routing with pre planned komoot files is fine
  • Tried one self routed route by the roamv2, works fine for me!
@*cl* (or somebody else) Could you try with this file? https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AM8e4ViJIHdmOyU&id=F4E28DC020FD3904!3092&cid=F4E28DC020FD3904&sb=name&sd=1 (Wahoo\for CL to test\germany-etc if the link does not take you there) It's made with the Wahoo-Valhalla but using the Valhalla config found in the firmware. I'm not expecting miracles, but maybe... Just Germany with incomplete border area's btw.
It won't change the lousy routing results but hopefully will not crash your Roam 1.

If this doesn't work I might try using a older Wahoo-Valhalla release from early 2022 (before the stock Wahoo files where generated). If that also doesn't work I'm really giving up on routing.
First three tests innercity by car, distances 6 km & 4 km & 2 km, with some intentional rerouting, all three tests by "take-me-to" > "location on map" without using the app:
  • no crashes, no rebooting, no freezing, nothing unusual
  • route suggestion nearly 100% with no trails no footpaths etc.
  • just roads and cycling paths I would go by racebike too
  • only one small detour
  • rerouting is very fast
Will try your test-routing tiles later the day on racebike. For now I'm absolutely impressed. :)
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys :)

cl just to make sure, the test you did from the car where with the newest test tiles I take it?
Just back from my planed Komoot Gravel Tour - everything was fine (with all navigation turn-by-turn messages) until I made a shortcut and the Roam v2 made a reboot while rerouting…Alle files (maps, tiles and vtm) from onedrive. Reboot shown in Strava:

Thanks for all the positive feedback guys :)

cl just to make sure, the test you did from the car where with the newest test tiles I take it?
Of course I used your maps provided in your folder „For CL to test“: https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=...FD3904!3092&cid=F4E28DC020FD3904&sb=name&sd=1

Just one word after my routing test on racebike this evening:

I did the same tests as last time. No issues, no crashes, perfect route suggestions.
:D. Good to hear is an understatement. Hope to get feedback from an English tester too. If that's also positive I guess it's a new 5 days of creating route tiles.
Thanks (everyone) for the time it takes to test!
Testing time is training time. I did another test ride this morning. The longest test has been about 30 km of routing with "take me to" initialised directly by the RoamV1. All tests went smoothly like yesterday. From now, I have a good feel if I had to rely on the RoamV1 navigation, wich wasn't it before.
Yesterday a 139 km (Komoot planed) Tour; everything, was fine! Turn by turn navigation, summit messages, seems now ok! The maps are really great! Now I’m satisfied with my Rv2!
Just back from a test ride with the newest maps and files of the beta-location (“For CL to test„).
Summit segments were fine, maps and initial routing worked perfect. By testing the rerouting it also worked until I did create a reroute while being rerouted…—> crash with reboot. I do not know if this was because of the maps and routing files or a bug of the roam v2 itself…

Other than that all of the tested rerouting situations worked perfect and I was not able to recreate the crash a second time.

—> @Ebe66: Thanks a lot For your work!

For the theme of the maps and POI I am using the vtm-files of zenziwerken.
He reduced the POIs to just show stuff lIke cafe, bike-shop in a small zoom-layer and adjusted lines,… slightly but in a very good way compared to the original rendering of wahoo. Works perfect for me and looks in cooperation with the created maps of @Ebe66 very good.
Hi there, can't say for sure of course but a reroute while a reroute is in progress does sound like a "perfect storm" for the little device! ;)

Just to give credit where credit is due: I don't recall all sources but my sample theme is maybe 90% (or more) based on the Zenziwerken theme and I actually added more poi's. I tried to be sensible about them but how it pans out depends highly on personal preferences and your surroundings. The road rendering should be pretty much identical I think.
Just in case you don't know (doubt it), the xml file (the theme) is just a text file which can very easily be customized to add or remove poi's. Just look at the bottom of the file.
Guten Tag. Habe gelesen, dass einige Probleme mit dem Anzeigen von Nachrichten oder anrufen hatten auf dem bolt v2. Habe nun auch das Problem das bei mir nichts mehr angezeigt wird. Meine mich erinnern zu können, dass ich einmal auf ausblenden gedrückt habe.
Gibt es mitlerweile eine Lösung für das Problem?
Guten Tag. Habe gelesen, dass einige Probleme mit dem Anzeigen von Nachrichten oder anrufen hatten auf dem bolt v2. Habe nun auch das Problem das bei mir nichts mehr angezeigt wird. Meine mich erinnern zu können, dass ich einmal auf ausblenden gedrückt habe.
Gibt es mitlerweile eine Lösung für das Problem?
Hi @Dronte, du bist so ein wenig im falschen Bereich gelandet. Es gibt für deinen Computer einen eigenen Thread.

Vielleicht kann ich dir aber direkt helfen.
Du hast die Benachrichtigung in der Elemnt-App eingerichtet und das Smartphone hast du während der Fahrt mit laufender App dabei?
Die App darf nicht aufgrund eines Taskmanagers irgendwann geschlossen werden.