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Aktuelles Kartenmaterial für Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT, ROAM, ELEMNT selbst generieren

Sorry, my German isn't that good (or even decent;-) ) and google translate also only helps me to a certain point. Google translates it to "Now I want to go back to VTM and finally understand the routing. The files are at @Ebe66 , but can someone please "explain" it to me a little. What is the advantage and why is it even important? I'm still confused." What do you want explained?
Having a lot of trouble generating new maps with WahooMapsCreator sindce a few days. Since I don't have a GitHub Account and am not familiar with it, I'm posting here hoping someone might be able to point me towards a solution.

What happened?
I fiddled around with my map theme last week and wanted to create new maps for it, which would contain previously unused tags. When I started WMC, it told me that a new version was available (4.2.0), which I could install with a simple command (Upgrade wahoomc with “pip install wahoomc --upgrade”).
I violated the principle 'never change a running system' and installed the update - which I immediately regretted. The very first time I tried to download maps according to my tried and tested settings, I got a few error messages regarding mapsforge. At first I suspected that it might be related to the temporary problems with the plugin registration, but these should have been fixed with osmosis version 0.49.2.
I then deleted Anaconda, Java and all associated folders and thought I could solve the problem by reinstalling everything from the scratch and revert back to WMC 4.1.1 in the process. Far from it, it only lead to different the error messages (related to different Java versions). I was able to fix the Java error but am having a new error message regarding the mapwriter plugin. When I start the map download and building process, everything seems to be fine - until it isn't:
INFO:# Creating .map files for tiles
INFO:+ (tile 1 of 6) Coordinates: XXX,YYY
ERROR:subprocess error output:
ERROR:Okt. 14, 2024 4:08:59 PM org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run
INFORMATION: Osmosis Version 0.49.2
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
Okt. 14, 2024 4:09:00 PM org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run
INFORMATION: Preparing pipeline.
Okt. 14, 2024 4:09:00 PM org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis main
SCHWERWIEGEND: Execution aborted.
org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: Task type mw doesn't exist.
at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.pipeline.common.TaskManagerFactoryRegister.getInstance(TaskManagerFactoryRegister.java:69)
at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.pipeline.common.Pipeline.buildTasks(Pipeline.java:51)
at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.pipeline.common.Pipeline.prepare(Pipeline.java:112)
at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis.run(Osmosis.java:86)
at org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis.main(Osmosis.java:37)

ERROR:Error in creating map file via Osmosis with tile: XXX,YYY. mapwriter plugin installed?

(gdal-user) C:\Users\USERNAME\Anaconda3\envs\gdal-user\Lib\site-packages\wahoomc>

Can anybody help me solving this?
As you maybe know, I don't use Wahoomapscreator myself, but yesterday a post popped up in the telegram group/channel that sounds pretty much like your mapwriter error: https://github.com/treee111/wahooMapsCreator/issues/258#issuecomment-2408605147
See the bottom part of that post.
Btw, the Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder" error is not a problem, I also get it without it hindering my map generation.
I am seeing the issues now as well. The problem here seams to be Osmosis v0.49.2 that seams to not have been working on Windows ever since. I'm creating a new version incl. alpha version that should come around that issue.
Issue https://github.com/treee111/wahooMapsCreator/pull/258, PR https://github.com/treee111/wahooMapsCreator/pull/259

Die Probleme sollten nur unter Windows aufgetreten sein, wer mag kann gerne die Alpha ausprobieren:
  1. Wie normal in die Anaconda Umgebung gehen
  2. Installieren der Alpha Version
pip install wahoomc==4.2.1a4

Was macht das ganze?
  1. Ordner tooling_win/ leeren
  2. "Alte" Version von Osmosis herunterladen: 0.48.3
  3. Link für Download Mapwriter plugin Windows- kompatibel aufbauen


These issues should only be on Windows, Feel free to tryout the Alpha version:
You both are correct, I was able to reproduce these two issues:
  1. Failing download of mapwriter plugin was caused due to backslashes in a URL
  2. Osmosis v0.49.2 might not been working at all since upgrading, due to the download side but more due to not beeing able to use mapwriter plugin (at least in my installation)

I worked on both topics and created a alpha version for testing purposes.
Feel free to install and run the tool again.

pip install wahoomc==4.2.1a4

There shouldn't be any other manual tasks, wahooMapsCreator should do the thing by itself.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi B,
Out of curiosity, what do you think is wrong or not working with Osmosis 0.49.2?
I have been using it for the last couple of months on Windows without any problems (that I noticed)
Hi B,
Out of curiosity, what do you think is wrong or not working with Osmosis 0.49.2?
I have been using it for the last couple of months on Windows without any problems (that I noticed)
1. I didn't get mapwriter plugin to work with this version. It is different than good old times with 0.48.3
Where have you saved the mapwriter plugin file and do you have any additional Osmosis-related config files mentioning the path of the mapwriter plugin?

A big different is the lib/ folder. 0.48.3 has lib/default folder, 0.49.2 not - maybe this is the point, only looked at it in this detail now :D

2. In addition, the .zip download structure is different between 0.48.3 and 0.49.2 (0.49.2 has a subdir in the zip file)

I'm not saying that I willl ban 0.49.2 forever but due to three people mentioning I digged into this. Haven't tested the upgrade on Windows at the time of releasing the last version. Due to that we fixed something in the area of running Osmosis plugins I didn't expect a issue there^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Issue https://github.com/treee111/wahooMapsCreator/pull/258, PR https://github.com/treee111/wahooMapsCreator/pull/259

Die Probleme sollten nur unter Windows aufgetreten sein, wer mag kann gerne die Alpha ausprobieren:
  1. Wie normal in die Anaconda Umgebung gehen
  2. Installieren der Alpha Version
pip install wahoomc==4.2.1a1

Was macht das ganze?
  1. Ordner tooling_win/ leeren
  2. "Alte" Version von Osmosis herunterladen: 0.48.3
  3. Link für Download Mapwriter plugin Windows- kompatibel aufbauen


These issues should only be on Windows, Feel free to tryout the Alpha version:
You both are correct, I was able to reproduce these two issues:
  1. Failing download of mapwriter plugin was caused due to backslashes in a URL
  2. Osmosis v0.49.2 might not been working at all since upgrading, due to the download side but more due to not beeing able to use mapwriter plugin (at least in my installation)

I worked on both topics and created a alpha version for testing purposes.
Feel free to install and run the tool again.

pip install wahoomc==4.2.1a1

There shouldn't be any other manual tasks, wahooMapsCreator should do the thing by itself.
Was able to test this with the map-tile of my hometown and can confirm: Everything ist working as it should be again. Thanks, @treee111!
1. I didn't get mapwriter plugin to work with this version. It is different than good old times with 0.48.3
Where have you saved the mapwriter plugin file and do you have any additional Osmosis-related config files mentioning the path of the mapwriter plugin?
For the life of me I can't remember where I found how to do this, but on my system the mapwriter plugin (mapsforge-map-writer-0.21.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar) is located in
I just tried the suggestion from the github issue and placed it in the Osmosis\lib\default folder but, for me, that doesn't work.

I don't believe Osmosis 0.49.2 has any big improvements for our little project over 0.48.3, but try out this path and see if it works.
Thanks - that's it, that location worked for me as well now under Windows and is also way more parallel on macOS/Linux than the location I used before. This location is also documented here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmosis/Detailed_Usage_0.48#Plugin_Tasks

So we'll stay on Osmosis v0.49.2 and fixes have been released with version v4.3.0: https://github.com/treee111/wahooMapsCreator/releases/tag/v4.3.0
Forgot to post it here, but new maps and routing files for Germany (Europe actually) are up on the OneDrive http://wahoomaps.higli.de/

What has changed:
Added new map files for the whole of Europe. More to follow in the coming days.
What is new/different:
- All POI's/ways have a zoom-appear level in the range 0-13 in the maps now. So where for example atm's had a zoom-appear level of 17 before (meaning whatever you did in your theme they could only be made visible on the device from zoom level 17 down) they now have a zoom appear of 13.
The result is that you yourself can now determine, from level 13 on, when you want to display atm's (or pubs or..) by modifying your theme.
Downside is that if you have a theme that already tried to display atm's on lets say zoom level 14, the screen of your device may be flooded with atm's.

- The new maps should be 90%+ compatible with maps of the just introduced Ace. Almost all of the features used in the Aces theme are included.
Forgot to post it here, but new maps and routing files for Germany (Europe actually) are up on the OneDrive http://wahoomaps.higli.de/

What has changed:
Added new map files for the whole of Europe. More to follow in the coming days.
What is new/different:
- All POI's/ways have a zoom-appear level in the range 0-13 in the maps now. So where for example atm's had a zoom-appear level of 17 before (meaning whatever you did in your theme they could only be made visible on the device from zoom level 17 down) they now have a zoom appear of 13.
The result is that you yourself can now determine, from level 13 on, when you want to display atm's (or pubs or..) by modifying your theme.
Downside is that if you have a theme that already tried to display atm's on lets say zoom level 14, the screen of your device may be flooded with atm's.

- The new maps should be 90%+ compatible with maps of the just introduced Ace. Almost all of the features used in the Aces theme are included.
Großartig, Danke für die regelmäßigen und nützlichen Updates!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kurze Zwischenfrage:
Beim Wahoo Elemnt Bolt 2.0 ist eine Basiskarte vorinstalliert.
Wie darf man sich die vorstellen, ist die Basiskarte detailliert und brauchbar?
die einen sagen so, die anderen so….ich persönlich finde sie fürs Graveln eher weniger brauchbar da viel zu wenig Details. Zum nachfahren von Tracks oder wenn man die Darstellung eher reduziert haben will aber völlig ausreichend.

Was allerdings wirklich nicht gut ist ist die Aktualisierungsfrequenz der Basiskarte - so wie es aussieht nur einmal im Jahr, dsas wird bei Ecken mit Bauaktivtät dann schonmal abenteuerlich.
New map files for Europe (one maps, no new routing files) are available on the OneDrive.

Forgot to post it here, but new maps and routing files for Germany (Europe actually) are up on the OneDrive http://wahoomaps.higli.de/

What has changed:
Added new map files for the whole of Europe. More to follow in the coming days.
What is new/different:
- All POI's/ways have a zoom-appear level in the range 0-13 in the maps now. So where for example atm's had a zoom-appear level of 17 before (meaning whatever you did in your theme they could only be made visible on the device from zoom level 17 down) they now have a zoom appear of 13.
The result is that you yourself can now determine, from level 13 on, when you want to display atm's (or pubs or..) by modifying your theme.
Downside is that if you have a theme that already tried to display atm's on lets say zoom level 14, the screen of your device may be flooded with atm's.

- The new maps should be 90%+ compatible with maps of the just introduced Ace. Almost all of the features used in the Aces theme are included.
Thx for your work, I am using your maps for years now!

But with the newest maps I've some "visual problems": Most of the green forests disapeared and also the "red village house color", it's looking more than a stock map on my Roam v2. I am using your vtm sample theme, but also tried other themes like Uwe's, but it seems it's a map issue.

So I want to roll back to the prev version, but I had overwritten the files. Is there any source to get the old files from summer 24? They were working as expected. or is is just another problem?


  • Screenshot 2024-12-26 165234.png
    Screenshot 2024-12-26 165234.png
    46,5 KB · Aufrufe: 18
I don't keep older map releases I'm afraid, they are just to big. Did you have a look with Cruiser? I just checked on my Ace running my maps and my V2 theme and all looks ok. My neighborhood in red and the nearby parks in green. The new maps should contain more landuse cases, not less.
The only "problem" I am aware of is that some parts of bicycle routes are not rendered ( mind, routes, not paths)
Do you even see a difference between my theme and Uwe's? As a way to check, the correct theme is loaded.
I don't keep older map releases I'm afraid, they are just to big. Did you have a look with Cruiser? I just checked on my Ace running my maps and my V2 theme and all looks ok. My neighborhood in red and the nearby parks in green. The new maps should contain more landuse cases, not less.
The only "problem" I am aware of is that some parts of bicycle routes are not rendered ( mind, routes, not paths)
Do you even see a difference between my theme and Uwe's? As a way to check, the correct theme is loaded.
When I am using the "germany-zoom-appear-12" Map Pack everything is back again. So there is a "backup", but when I am trying the newest map release, the visuals are back like on my screen.

There was a difference between Uwe's and your theme, but it's was only marginal.

Perhaps the problem is, that I am not using your theme. Can you give me the exact link to your newest version for Roam v2?

This is a screenshot with the germany-zoom-appear-12 map and the same theme.


  • Screenshot 2024-12-26 181930.png
    Screenshot 2024-12-26 181930.png
    51,4 KB · Aufrufe: 13
Not that it helps you, but here is a screenshot of my surroundings on my Ace:

And a, differently orientated, screenshot of the same area in Cruiser:

The theme I'm using is identical to the one on the OneDrive here:

I just did a binary compare to confirm they are the same.

I don't expect to see anything else than you do, but would you mind sharing which tile you use and/or the exact coordinates?

Can anybody else confirm (or preferably not 😉) this issue?
Good morning,

Tile is Rheinland Pflalz / 50.40379611473804, 7.146115874903611
Same here, it seems like there is a lot of forest missing in the Rheinland Pflalz map area.


After i copied the germany-zoom-appear-12 map back again, it seems to be ok.

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