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Aktuelles Kartenmaterial für Wahoo ELEMNT BOLT, ROAM, ELEMNT selbst generieren

During the creation of the maps the file land-polygons-split-4326.zip
is downloaded and unpacked to create "land" outlines for each tile.
Probably this download failed so you ended up with no land. But I would expect the mapscreator software to error out when this happens.
During the creation of the maps the file land-polygons-split-4326.zip
is downloaded and unpacked to create "land" outlines for each tile.
Probably this download failed so you ended up with no land. But I would expect the mapscreator software to error out when this happens.
I had the download running in the background at work, so there might have been an error message but I didn't see it.
No he didn't try on a roam2, he is still on an original element:)
At this point, being back on a roam 2 instead of 1 I would not suggest an app delete.
I added the link because it hints that the backup restore might work after issuing a factory defaults.
But again, at this point I would not bother and cut my losses, install the custom maps/themes and reconfigure screens/sensors etc and try to forget the last few days...
Hello Ebe66,

After long time Wahoo Support contact and many mails, the Support found the Solution.

My Roam V2 was a used device from Amazon (warehouse deal). So the device was initially registered to another user.
The device was connected to my account but was still owned by the the initially first user.
So the backup didn't appear on my Companion App.
The Support deleted the connection to the other first user and I had to connect/link the wahoo new to my account.

And surprise the backup was available!! Screenshot attached. And for luck, it was a old back from before factory reset. So all my old fine settings are back! I can't believe!! 🥳🥳🥳

Solved the problem with Pan and Zoom and with settings backup.

Never give up, keep on target 😉😬

Many thanks to all for you very professional and great help!


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Hallo, ich habe seit paar Tagen den V2 hier auf dem Tisch.
Die Kartendarstellung ist gegenüber dem V1 m.E. nicht verbessert und man kann nicht mehr sehen, welchen Untergrund einen erwartet. Nun habe ich hier ein bisschen gelesen und auch mal fix, weil es sich für mich als einfach erschlossen hat, diese Variante auf den V2 geladen.

Kann mir jemand erklären, was der Unterschied zur Variante von @treee111 ist?
Kann ich die @treee111 Variante ebenso "installieren" wie die o.g.?

Muss ich bei einem Kartenupdate durch Wahoo grundsätzlich irgendwas an diesen zusätzlichen Installationen ändern?

As far as I know the theme's on treee111 GitHub page are older versions of the Zenziwerken theme. There are just 2 vtm theme's you can use. The difference is that one has some poi's like bakery, the other does not. So yes you can use them, but the one you have now is the better one.
No these theme's do not interfere with the Wahoo map updates at all. Having said that, the only way to get the most out of the theme's (and device) is by using custom maps instead of the Wahoo ones. They contain a lot more information. You can make them yourself or download them at wahoomaps.higli.de use vti's elemntary app to easily upload them.
On the site are also some other themes.

Leider scheint es durch dich diese ganzen Karten Updates und Theme Updates ein großes Problem zu geben.
Die für mich ganz zentral Wichtige Funktion "Zoomen und Schwenken" https://cyclingclaude.de/2021/10/16/wahoo-behebt-manko-beim-elemnt-bolt-v2/

ist beim Roam v2 verschwunden!! Es steht nur noch "Route" keine "..." da.

Kann das jemand bestätigen?

Auch nach dem Zurücksetzen auf Werkseinstellungen ist die Funktion weg. Außerdem macht das scheiß Ding keine Backups und so habe ich sämtliche fein eingestellte Seiten und Sensoren verloren. Ich könnte kotzen.

Liegt das an dem Karten Theme oder dieser Wahoo Map App für den PC? An dem ADB Modus?

Jetzt muss ich das Gerät vermutlich zu Wahoo zur Reparatur einschicken.

:( :( :(
Hi all,

I have the same problem, did not realize that until today when reading the last posts.
In the Map Screen I have just „Routes“ on the left button but not dots. I already tried the workaround that worked for HerrRuin, but that did not work for me.

After creating the Model Override File I saw a difference in the booting screen (someting I would call colored confetti during the boot process), but I have still only the „Route“ button. Any other idea?

Edit: Found it! VTM rendering was active (not needed on the v2), that also forces the map screen behaving like a v1. After deleting that setting / file in in the home directory everything is fine.


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
I'll ask VTI (creator of Elemntary app to remove the pan & zoom option and put a warning by the vtm rendering option.
New maps of Europe are up on the OneDrive (http://wahoomaps.higli.de) New in these maps is that the contour lines are derived from the same source Wahoo uses to add elevation to the routing files. This change together with a slight simplification in the contour lines results in a significant size reduction of the generated maps it seems. I can find no fault in the tests I did, but please keep an eye out for any artifacts etc.
New maps of Europe are up on the OneDrive (http://wahoomaps.higli.de) New in these maps is that the contour lines are derived from the same source Wahoo uses to add elevation to the routing files. This change together with a slight simplification in the contour lines results in a significant size reduction of the generated maps it seems. I can find no fault in the tests I did, but please keep an eye out for any artifacts etc.
Thank You!

Sorry for the question again. Which one was the proper actual vtm rendering theme for the roam v2? ☺️
There is no right or wrong roam v2 theme, just different ones. 😉
It's about what is supported by the theme and personal (color) preferences.
If you want to have the theme that supports all that is in my maps, use my theme in VTM\VTM-Bolt and Roam 2\ (somebody managed to delete the files, but I just re-uploaded them). For v2 themes made by others look in VTM\Others\Roam+Bolt_v2\. The Zenziwerken theme is also often used (not on the onedrive, find it Here).
Hi all,
first of all, thanks for the great work here. Being quite new to the stuff, i played a bit around and found a theme i'm happy with. Then i tried to tune tags-to-keep_o.json, tag-wahoo.xml and tag-wahoo-poi.xml for poi-details, but the is no effect at all in the generated maps, no matter if i delete or add pois, the map-tile-size and visual result in cruiser is always the same. When i i. e. use the original downloaded wahoo-tiles, the size and poi-detail is greater. The sample-map-tiles are generated with: python -m wahoomc cli -xy 137/88 -fp
The tag files only affect on maps creation, if I remember correctly.
Hi all,
first of all, thanks for the great work here. Being quite new to the stuff, i played a bit around and found a theme i'm happy with. Then i tried to tune tags-to-keep_o.json, tag-wahoo.xml and tag-wahoo-poi.xml for poi-details, but the is no effect at all in the generated maps, no matter if i delete or add pois, the map-tile-size and visual result in cruiser is always the same. When i i. e. use the original downloaded wahoo-tiles, the size and poi-detail is greater. The sample-map-tiles are generated with: python -m wahoomc cli -xy 137/88 -fp
Hi @Fuci,
As you may have read in this thread I don't use Treee111's version of the mapcreator but I might be able to help you out.
I'm not sure what you mean by that with the original Wahoo tiles the poi-detail is greater. What do you mean by poi detail? And what are the Wahoo tiles? Really Wahoo or downloaded from the OneDrive? Real original Wahoo tiles do contain poi's but not a lot and not consistently.
What are you trying to do and how have you tried to do it? Can you post your modified xml files? Your command line seems ok to me. Maybe missing the -c option for creating Cruiser files?
Sorry for all the questions instead of a solution ;-) but please try to describe all steps you took and the results. Did you try with Malta first, With your command line, do the dates of the generated files change i.e. does it something at all. etc etc.
Maybe most important question of all, which theme are you using? If you add say a type of poi in the map generation flow, you also have to modify the theme for it to display.
Hi @Ebe66 ,
regarding valhalla routing- tiles from onedrive: They are working fine, thanks, with one minor issue compared to the original wahoo tiles -
is missing, it would be cool if hamlets could be included especially for countryside routing, where "the streets have no name".