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It's All Downhill From Here


“Professional athletes get heckled day in and day out…. I wasn’t telling him his momma was fat or anything,” said Kalan Beisel, who harangued Danielson on Thursday in Colorado Springs, to the point of prompting Danielson to extend a middle finger, mid-race. “I just called him a doper and told him he sucks. It was really simple … I don’t think it’s harsh at all. Personally I think he shouldn’t be racing in the peloton.”

via: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.de/2015/08/its-all-downhill-from-here.html


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Netter Artikel im Men's Journal über den Hype bei Richard Sachs Cycles. Sieben Jahre Lieferzeit! :D Muss ich mich wohl doch mit einem Ritchey Swiss Cross begnügen...

RSachs hat seine eigene Art zu bloggen . Man kann ihm gut über die Schulter sehen. Heißt irgendwie RichardSachs ATMO ode ATMOMENTS oder ATMO Bis. Alles wird dann verständlicher.
Lastly, in Berlin, some "left-wing extremists on bicycles" are committing what, here in America, would be the ultimate act of blasphemy:

A gang of about 50 masked left-wing extremists on bicycles torched or trashed nearly 50 luxury cars over the weekend in attacks to protest gentrification of the once-low-rent districts near the center of the German capital.
The attacks just after midnight on Saturday and Sunday mornings caused an estimated $1.1 million in damage and left behind the smoldering remains of 48 Mercedes, BMWs and Porsches. Some of the masked attackers smashed the windows of the cars; others threw plastic containers with flammable materials through the broken windows.


Apparently the idea is to prevent property in the neighborhood from becoming unaffordable:
This weekend's attacks came in areas where rents have soared and property prices have skyrocketed more than five-fold in recent years to as much as $615 per square foot. Many squatters live in areas near the attacks. Last month, 500 police raided one of the largest buildings occupied by squatters after some of the residents had attacked and injured riot police. The illegal occupants are still there.

Though this is sure to backfire, because when people in Brooklyn read that property in this trendy Berlin neighborhood is only $615 per square foot they'll be moving there in droves.

Many left-wingers in Berlin, where squatting has a long and vibrant tradition, feel they are entitled to defend their way of living and that burning the luxury cars will scare away yuppies and wealthy investors.

Wrong! Gentrifiers love burned-out cars, it's the ultimate in street cred.

I'd say it's pretty likely this gang of so-called "left wing extremists on bicycles" is being funded by the real estate developers.

via: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.de/2016/02/the-answer-my-fred-is-blowin-in-wind.html