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Der "Nimm Du es - ich kann/will/darf nicht..." Thread

bahnrahmen mit pumpenhalter + bremsbohrungen???:rolleyes:
sicher kein Bahnrahmen, der hat ja Bohrungen für die Bremse und einen Pumpenhalter!
Edith sagt, zu langsam! :(
Okay, aber sieht trotzdem interessant aus. Das Hinterrad klemmt dann zwischen den "Sattelstützstreben"? Horizontale Ausfaller hatten da wohl die meisten Räder? Oder könnten die Bremsbohrungen auch nachträglich und frevelhaft entstanden sein?
Edit: der Pumpenhalter wohl eher nicht... :rolleyes:

Ich hatte den Verkäufer mal angeschrieben. Hier die Antwort:
"Track frames of this period were often drilled for brakes as they were used for more than one purpose........use on the road in tt etc. Budgets were different and people had to make do with what they had. I use to own a Norman Sheils track bicycle (he won the world championship on the track) and this bicycle was drilled front and rear. It is not uncommon.
If you wish me to send you photographs (send me your direct email address) of a straight road frame Saxon I am happy to do this then you can compare the angles and the rake of the fork. You will see that this is a different setup.
As for the bottle holder, there isn't one.


Re: Der "Nimm Du es - ich kann/will/darf nicht..." Thread
Ich hatte den Verkäufer mal angeschrieben. Hier die Antwort:
"Track frames of this period were often drilled for brakes as they were used for more than one purpose........use on the road in tt etc. Budgets were different and people had to make do with what they had. I use to own a Norman Sheils track bicycle (he won the world championship on the track) and this bicycle was drilled front and rear. It is not uncommon.
If you wish me to send you photographs (send me your direct email address) of a straight road frame Saxon I am happy to do this then you can compare the angles and the rake of the fork. You will see that this is a different setup.
As for the bottle holder, there isn't one."

Das ist doch mal ne erschöpfende Auskunft.
Ein 55er Colnago für 100€


Bildschirmfoto 2013-02-15 um 13.20.32.png
Das ist doch mal ne erschöpfende Auskunft.

Nachtrag: Hi again
I also forgot to mention that this bike would put in a regular appearance at the VCC organised track days at Herne Hill where it always drew a lot of attention. The previous owner (a good friend of mine) was a very competitive track rider right up to the end of his days. I bought the bike from him three years or so before he died and can say categorically that this is a track frame despite your reservations. I have a very solid and highly regarded collection (80+ machines) in the UK and always take the greatest of care (when I occasionally sell something) to make sure that the description is true and accurate.
Once again thanks for your concern, but please be reassured that this is the genuine article and coming out of a serious collection. I am nott some new-age bicycle dealer (of which there are far too many) trying to make a fast profit on eBay. I am a serious collector and VCC member and am happy to correspond in more details on my direct email (previously given) if this helps.
ich hatte angefragt, er hat gesagt beide noch da und jetzt reagirt er weder auf anrufe noch auf mails...echt schade, meine freundin wäre über das somec ausgerastet vor freude...
...den musst du erstmal sehen, wenn er samt Lenker am Rad montiert ist... :confused: