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Ist das ein frühes E-bike oder was macht da das Kabel am Hinterrad?
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Ist das ein frühes E-bike oder was macht da das Kabel am Hinterrad?
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Elektronische Federgabel?
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The Noleen fork: Noleen suspension was one of the first to bring electronics to the mountain bike world. The new F-Smart fork used what they called “piezoelectric-controlled” damping to give the widest range of impact control on the market. The valving allowed the fork to run with essentially no compression damping over small impacts, yet allowed the electronics to turn on the damping on the big hits. The system was controlled with a 9-volt battery that would last 24 hours of ride time. Noleen fork: Noleen suspension was one of the first to bring electronics to the mountain bike world. The new F-Smart fork used what they called “piezoelectric-controlled” damping to give the widest range of impact control on the market. The valving allowed the fork to run with essentially no compression damping over small impacts, yet allowed the electronics to turn on the damping on the big hits. The system was controlled with a 9-volt battery that would last 24 hours of ride time.
Elektronische Federgabel?
Spinne ich oder der?
ich hab ja nicht gelästert, sondern es als Frage formuliert.Vor dem Lästern googeln: Beitrag)
Keine Autoanzeige passend zur Seitenzahl?
Nicht mal Matchbox?
Mein Onkel hatte (hat) in 91555 Feu ein Spielzeuggeschäft. Ich saß also an der Quelle, hab den damals geschenkt bekommen. Er hat immer noch haufen RC-Car Tuning-Teile im Keller-(leichen)...ich hatte mir 83 diese Kiste in München gekauft: