So Kreuze in den Muffen gab es bei Viner
Sehr guter Hinweis, Vielen Dank, habe das hier noch im Internet gefunden :
Sadly a lot of info about Viner’s old frames and bikes were lost when Viner founder Viviano Nerozzi, and his son in law Cesare Baldi passed away, but luckily Mark the warehouseman who joined Viner in the 1980s is still around. He knew exactly what left the factory in those years.
Basically, the Special Professional was the top of the range, it had Star (Stella) cut out lugs (including a massive cut out star on the bottom bracket shell) and was built with Columbus tubing (more than likely SL). These were the frames that were usually exported to the UK and US.
The Special Corsa was the ‘cheaper’ model, and had cross cut out lugs and was built using Reynolds 531 tubing.
Now there are 531 frames out there with cross lugs that have ‘Special Professional’ decals and I’ve seen Special Corsa’s with Columbus tubing and stars! I suspect that these have undergone a renovation or respray, and the incorrect decals applied.
Either way, if the frame has stars or crosses, at least you know that it is a Viner!
Personally I prefer the Special Professional, and it’s this frame I’ll try to track down in the future, mainly for sentimental reasons. My first ever bike was built with Columbus SL, so it would be great to ride on this famous tubing again. Plus, I can’t imagine owning a steel Italian frame that isn’t built with Columbus!
All I need to do now is wait until the ‘fixie’ trend dies away, and I should be able to pick up a bargain