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Johannes Theodor Baargeld - Das menschliche Auge und ein Fisch, letzterer versteinert (1920)
Raoul Hausmann - ABCD (Selbstportrait, 1920iger)
As a founder of the Berlin incarnation of Dada, Hausmann searched for a vital, disruptive, and realistic art, piecing together scraps of word and image—the detritus of the real world—to make symbolic and explosive new pictures. ABCD is a self-portrait. Below the artist's face is an announcement of his performance of a phonetic poem. The letters VOCE (Italian for "voice") appear inside an earlike ellipse, and the letters ABCD, a prototypical poem, are clinched in the artist's teeth. The tickets to the Kaiserjubilee in his hat indicate the empty formalities of the social milieu in which he functioned, while the intentionally provocative gynecological diagram alludes to the organic necessity of his art. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/265584
(habe ich in Person gesehen, durch min Vater (l)
lang ist's her... )
🕉 aus
Minute 56:31 von Yves Dillion im Jahre 1989
Banares / Benares / Kashi / Varanasi
Kings with Straw Mats( - Yogis and Sadhus of the Kumbh Mela Festival) von Ira Cohnen Kumbh Mela in Haridwar/Hardwar/Haridvar im Jahre 1986
sieht man am Anfang
Khadeshwari Baba aus Ayodhya
Amar Bharti, des Juna Akhara @ Kumbh Mela, 1989, in Allhabad / Prayag / Illahabad / seit August 2018 offiziell Prayagraj seit 1973 den Arm oben, eigentlich beendent man solch eine Praxis nach 12 Jahren (mein ? hat ihn zwei oder dreimal, über einen Abstand von 12 oder 24 Jahren gesehen aber vor allem ->)
(einen) sein(er) Meister .... Bharti
(ich kenne seinen Namen aber die korrekte Schreibweise entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis und etwas darf offen bleiben, die Photographie werde ich auch noch ablicht, dies ist nur ein Handyfoto eines einfachen Scans der original Photographie, das Negativ, der Fotograf ein, Kölner Freund meines Vaters, leider verstorben, sind in der Verwandschaft wenn...) Kumbh Mela 1989 Allahbad
Alexandra David-Néel (1868 in Saint Mandè, Paris - 1969 in Digne-les-Baines) - poses in Sikkimese traditional dress, in Sikkim (c. 1913)
Alexandra David-Néel (centre; seated) with Silacara Bhikkhu, a Theravadan monk (left) and her main Guru Gomchen Rinpoche of Lachen (right). This photo was taken in Sikkim in 1913. Silacara Bhikkhu was a British national born on October 22, 1871 in Hull, Yorkshire (England). He became a Buddhist monk in 1906 and died on January 27, 1951 in Chichester, West Sussex
Alexandra David-Néel (seated) with Silacara Bhikkhu, a Theravadan monk (left) and the 3rd Lachen Gomchen (right). Taken in Sikkim (c. 1914).
Alexandra David-Néel with Tibetans in Eastern Tibet (1921)
Alexandra David-Neel and her adopted son Aphur Yongden, pose with another equally famous explorer, the Japanese monk Kawaguchi Ekai who also travelled to Tibet. David-Néel first met Kawaguchi in Kalimpong, northern India in the waiting room of the 13th Dalai Lama who lived there for three years. She met Kawaguchi once again while visiting Japan in 1917.
Alexandra David-Néel and Sidkeong Tulku Namgyal in Sikkim (c. 1912) (later for brief time ruling Maharaja of Sikkim in 1914).