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Re: KEIN TEXT, nur Bilder, Animationen, Videos...
Rockwell Kent.jpg

Rockwell Kent
Henri Le Secq  - Statue of Christ at Reims Cathedral (Negative 1851; print 1870s).jpg
Henri Le Secq - Statue of Christ at Reims Cathedral (Negative 1851; print 1870s)
Édouard Baldus - Cloister of Saint-Trophime, Arles(1861).jpg
Édouard Baldus - Tour Saint-Jacques, Paris (1852).jpg

Édouard Baldus - Tour Saint-Jacques, Paris (1852)
Henri Le Secq - Small Dwelling in Mushroom Cave (1851).jpg

Henri Le Secq - Small Dwelling in Mushroom Cave (1851)
Charles Nègre - Aisle of the Cloister of Saint-Trophime, Arles (c. 1852).jpg

Charles Nègre - Aisle of the Cloister of Saint-Trophime, Arles (c. 1852)
Gustave Le Gray - Pavillon Mollien Pavilion, the Louvre, Paris (1859).jpg

Gustave Le Gray - Pavillon Mollien Pavilion, the Louvre, Paris (1859)
Henri Le Secq - Tower of the Kings at Reims Cathedral, print 1853.jpg

Henri Le Secq - Tower of the Kings at Reims Cathedral, print 1853
Édourd Baldus -La Madeleine, Paris (print from a paper negative, c.1853).jpg

Édouard Baldus - La Madeleine, Paris (c. 1853)
