crono/cronometro - time trial
by So(cietà)Mec(canica) - society of mechanics - Somec
6 Via S. Vitale, Lugo di Romagna, Italy

Founded June 1973 by Oliviero Gallegati & Associates like probably Pierino Scarponi...
beautiful head tube Panto (this time coloured

like on the other Tiziano, double differing by Ortelli as the vendor states,
which contrary has a detail spotted only frames build by maestro Umberto Chiesa di Bologna, his two alumni Bruno Fantini nella via Borgovado di Santa Maria in Fado, Ferrara

and Gianni Rivola di Massalombarda a Ravenna, nell' Emiliga-Romgna or certain Patelli s

and will be build by latter Patelli.
typical SOMEC style of fastback seatstay cluster as the somec tulip

panto on the lower head tube lug
typical SOMEC fastback seatcluster