...schafft mit ‘nem E-Bike ‘nen 23er-Schnitt!
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- 27 November 2007
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...habe ich noch nie gesehen, ein "himmelblaues" Bianchi.
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da war aber auch schon ein Grünstich mit drin. Jedenfalls auf den Farbbildern, die ich von Coppi kenne, live habe ich ihn nicht mehr erlebt, obwohl er sogar mal in Bielefeld Rennen gefahren ist. Das war dann wohl die große Zeit der Bielefelder Fahrradproduktion.himmelblaues celeste gab es bis in die 50er
Certainly the color has changed over the years, and even from batch to batch.
In the late sixties, when my father, as a visiting American paint chemist, visited
the factory, he discovered the reason why, and I am passing the the reason on
to the newsgroup.
Like so many things in an Italian bicycle factory, much of the work is done by
hand, mechanized techniques are perceived as lacking warmth. Mixing the paint
is no exception. For many years the job of mixing the celeste paint from raw pigments
fell to one one elderly gentleman who had been responsible for the task since well
before the Second World War. They complained to my father that despite following
the recipe, as written in the notebook of the founding master himself, the paint was
not coming out the same color. My father watched them mix a batch.
The pigments were miced in precisely the quantities called for. The sources
and requisite purity were all correct. The added the pigments to the paint,
and the old man began to stir the batch with a short stick, perhaps four inches
long. It was obvious to my father that the heavier pigments were sinking to
the bottom of the drum, and not contributing to the colro of the paint.
"Perhaps you shoulld use a longer stirring stick?", my father suggested. The managers
conferred with the old worker, the shop stewart, and several other workers on the floor.
My father, who spoke no Italian, could only wonder what they were saying. After
several minutes, it was explained to him: "The old man says, that when he started
as an apprentice in the factory, many years ago, the stick was much longer."
After much discussion, the stick was replaced with a longer model, and the color
changed to what we know as "Nuovo Celeste",( more likely really "Old Celeste")
as they called the paint make with the new stick. Perhaps what has happened is they
replaced the stick again. As far as my father knows, they never replaced the mixing drum,
and who knows what combination of pigments is being stirred up by the new broom handle
they are using.