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Die gueldenen Kettenblaetter sind italienischer Provenienz {oder salopp & lapidar Lokalisation/lokal spaetlateinisch localis = oertlich, zu lateinisch locus = Ort, Platz, Stelle |
Loka (Sanskrit: लोक, romanisiert: Loka, lit. 'Planet' [wiki quote ] 1) The world, a division of the universe; (roughly speaking there are three
lokas svarga, pṛthvī and
pātāla, but according to fuller classification the
lokas are fourteen, seven higher regions rising from the earth one above the other,
i. e. bhūrloka, bhuvarloka, svarloka, maharloka, janarloka, taparloka, and
satyaloka or
brahmaloka; and seven lower regions, descending from the earth one below the other;
i. e. atala, vitala, sutala, rasātala, talātala, mahātala, and
pātāla). 6) A region, tract, district, province².}
aehm Cambio Rino