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Mario Camilotto a quattro anni con la bici construita dal padre Mario Camilotto, als Vierjähriger mit dem Rad, welches Ihm sein Vater gebaut hat. Mario Camilotto, four years old, with the bike his father constructed
Lehrmeister und Vaterfigur Sante Pogliaghi mit Mario Camilotto
Unknown photographer - Georgette and René Magritte, Brussels, June 1922 [on their wedding day] 1922 Unknown photographer - René Magritte painting ‘Attempting the Impossible’ (1928) René Magritte - Attempting the Impossible (1928) René Magritte, La Moisson, 1943
Franco Vaccari - Esposizione in tempo reale num. 4: Lascia su queste pareti una traccia fotografica del tuo passaggio (Exhibition in real time: leave a photographic sign of your passage on these walls) 1972