• Hallo Gast, wir suchen den Renner der Woche 🚴 - vielleicht hast du ein passendes Rennrad in deiner Garage? Alle Infos

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Pentti Sammallahti - Varanasi, India,1999.jpg
Pentti Sammallahti - Varanasi, India (1999).jpg

Pentti Sammallahti - Varanasi, India (1999)



Re: KEIN TEXT, nur Bilder, Animationen, Videos...

Mario Camilotto a quattro anni con la bici construita dal padre
Mario Camilotto, als Vierjähriger mit dem Rad, welches Ihm sein Vater gebaut hat.
Mario Camilotto, four years old, with the bike his father constructed
mario camilotto Pogliaghi_1.jpg

Lehrmeister und Vaterfigur Sante Pogliaghi mit Mario Camilotto
camilotto mario.jpg
camilotto lugs muffen congiunzioni.jpg

camilotto bici corsa IMG_3308.jpg
camilotto dark blue.jpg
camilotto racing bike red.jpg
camilotto pista blue.jpg


Katalog Scans 1984 Mario Camilotto


Marie-Berthe Aurenche - Selfportrait in a Photobooth & Yves Tanguy - Selfportrait in a Photobooth ca. 1929
Marie-Berthe Aurenche.jpg

Yves TanguySelfportrait in a Photoboothca. 1929.jpg

Yves Tanguy - Selfportrait in a Photobooth ca. 1929 (for the contemporary selfie generation nowadays :bier:)


René Magritte and his wife Georgette Berger

Unknown photographer - Georgette and René Magritte, Brussels, June 1922 [on their wedding day] 1922
Unknown photographer - René Magritte painting ‘Attempting the Impossible’ (1928).jpg
Unknown photographer - René Magritte painting ‘Attempting the Impossible’ (1928)
René Magritte - Attempting the Impossible (1928).jpg
René Magritte - Attempting the Impossible (1928)
René Magritte, La Moisson, 1943.JPG
René Magritte, La Moisson, 1943


Gala and Dalì photo booth

Franco Vaccari - Esposizione in tempo reale num. 4: Lascia su queste pareti una traccia fotografica del tuo passaggio (Exhibition in real time: leave a photographic sign of your passage on these walls) 1972