Auf FB wurde vom Admin der Wheeltop EDS Owner Seite nachfolgender Inhalt an alle Mitglieder addressiert. Klingt interessant, da ich bisher keinerlei Probleme habe und auch keine speziellen Modi benötige, weiß ich noch nicht, ob ich mich soweit vorwagen soll ... zumal ich sowas auch noch nicht gemacht habe... ich kopiere das mal inkl. der angehängten Pics komplett hier rein:
Introducing unified WEB/PWA EDS app - drEDS (support both OX and TX)
Please, write down all settings of your EDS before make any changes!
APK file can be downloaded from:
This information is only for educational and personal use
I'm not responsible if you damage your EDS
Open source
No registration needed
No vendor lock - if you sell/buy EDS no need to unlock/lock device to a vendor cloud
Export and Import
Unlocked functions - FD limits, race mode for OX
Separate control for race mode and sleep mode for TX
What's working:
Displaying battery voltages - FD, RD and shifter
Displaying firmware versions - FD, RD and shifter
Up/Down shifting - click on Up/Down shift buttons
Set number of gears (3/14) - click on total gears button and select from drop down - allow to set number of gears only if you are on lower than selected gear to prevent errors
Initial calibration - will show up/down buttons only when RD is on smallest gear or FD is on largest chain ring to prevent user errors
Adjust every gear value - use + and - buttons or enter value - click Set
Adjust FD limits - - use + and - buttons or enter value - click Set
Set all gear RD values or FD limits - click Set all button
Save values as preset - click Save as - enter name - use only letters and numbers - you will see new button with that name to appear - presets are displayed by device type i.e. preset for OX won't be displayed when app is connected to TX
Export - click Export button - file with all current values, limits and all presets will be saved on your device with file name drEDS-[date/time].json
Import - Click on Import button to import exported file - all current and saved as preset values will be overwritten, but not uploaded to a RD - use Set all to upload to RD
Presets - all saved presets are displayed as buttons with option to be deleted - clicking on preset will put all values from it, on edit boxes, but not will be uploaded to RD - click Set all to upload them to RD
Button functions - OX - normal (top button up shift/bottom button downshift) and reverse (top button down shift/bottom button up shift) buttons functions, TX - each button can be configured to switch FD or up/down for RD
Light and Dark theme support - follow device preferences
battery voltage/percentage display - click on title bar to switch
Race mode (OX and TX experimental) - official app use competitive mode - can be turned on or off independent from sleep mode
Sleep mode (TX only - experimental) - official app use casual mode - can be turned on or off independent from race mode
Live view - (OX only for now) - useful if riding with a phone - display gear, battery and allow shifting
What's missing:
Offline mode - at that point app load all need files from Internet. On later stage it may become entirely offline
Firmware upgrade - if it is even possible, since it require some AES encryption
Please, feel free to add more ...
What may be added:
RD protection (TX only) - when on smallest chain ring don't allow RD to go to two smallest cogs
FD, RD thresholds - need more research for actual functions of these - for now it is known only that RD threshold=1 is race mode 2 is normal mode. FD also have threshold, but it is unknown for what is used.
Google chrome/Brave/Vivaldi browser (may be other Chromium based browsers) installed on the device - Firefox don't support WEB Bluetooth, Opera don't work for some reason
Enabled WEB Bluetooth on the browser - check for WEB Bluetooth in chrome://flags, brave://flags & etc (new Chrome and Vivaldi versions have flag enabled, Brave have it disabled) and enable flag if needed
Internet access - at least for now
Something not working:
Make sure logs button in the menu is pressed and debug messages are visible, then double tap on them and they will be copied to the clipboard. Open new issue here and paste debug information, so they can be analyzed and problem to be fixed.
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