bei den gemeldeten Temps steigt BikerX8 aufs Rad?
Ja, neues WP-Team, neue Motivation
Hallo, ich bin neu in München. Ich schreibe auf Englisch (aber sie können natürlich auf Deutsch mich beantworten).
I'm looking for people to go cycling with. The last five years I've been cycling in Triest (Italien), and to give you an idea, an average day was:
100 - 120 Km, 1000 - 1300m of elevation gain, and averages of 28 - 32 Km/h. [of course sometimes we did 2000's and even 3000's].
I'm also finding it very difficult to find nice roads to go cycling with a road bike (I keep ending in these m-bahn's where it's really hard to cycle!).
Any help to find people to train with, or roads to go training would be very welcome! Thanks a lot and keep fighting!
Hi and a very warm welcome to Munich, the most beautiful city in the world
Well, just kidding, but the area around Munich is really good for cycling (especially in the South, the so called "Oberland") as it is pretty diversified and you're pretty close to the Alps, so you get some stunning views into the mountains. There are a few climbs, but not as much as in the area of Triest, I guess. As the road bike season is nearly over, some of us get out on their CX bikes or MTBs.
Normally, one announces a ride (usually it's the user BikerX8 as you can see
here) and gives some information about the distance, altitude difference and so on. Just read along and join us, if you want and if you have some questions, don't hesitate to ask.
P.S.: in which district do you live? That would be useful to know....
Have a nice day and ride safely
Danke, sehr nett. Bin 1,84 und fahre normalerweise einen 58er Rahmen, hatte aber auch schon einen 56er. Wenn die Entscheidung neben rationalen Argumenten noch empirischer Überprüfung bedarf, komme ich gerne auf dein Angebot zurück.
OK, dann ist dir mein CX definitiv zu klein. Aber da findet sich bestimmt wer...